1. 阿萨德王朝数十年的残暴统治结束了--但叙利亚的地平线上乌云密布 Decades of brutal Assad dynasty rule are at an end - but there are dark clouds on the horizon for Syria (news.sky.com)
2. 阿米尔-汗--重新定义明星含义的宝莱坞偶像 Aamir Khan - a Bollywood icon redefining what it means to be a star (news.sky.com)
3. 80 年代的电视环境是否充满性别歧视?吉利-库珀(Jilly Cooper)的热门剧集《对手》(Rivals)沉湎于逝去的过度时代 Was TV in the ''80s a sexist environment? Jilly Cooper''s hit series Rivals wallows in bygone age of excess (news.sky.com)
4. 随着阿萨德的倒台,这个动荡不安地区的权力格局将彻底改变 As Assad falls, the power dynamics of this troubled, volatile region will utterly change (news.sky.com)
5. 斯塔默的基础设施承诺可能要到 2040 年才能兑现--这对选民来说够快吗? Starmer''s infrastructure promise could take until the 2040s to deliver - will it be fast enough for voters? (news.sky.com)
7. 达拉格风暴肆虐后,周日将发布新的天气警告 Fresh weather warnings in place for Sunday after Storm Darragh wreaks havoc (news.sky.com)
9. 如何安排王子与当选总统的会面 How the meeting between the prince and the president-elect would have been arranged (news.sky.com)
10. 在纽约医疗机构首席执行官枪手的背包中发现 "大富翁钱 ''Monopoly money'' found in backpack of New York health CEO gunman (news.sky.com)
11. 斯塔默将访问海湾地区,寻求加强与阿联酋和沙特阿拉伯的经济和防务关系 Starmer to visit Gulf as he seeks stronger economic and defence ties with UAE and Saudi Arabia (news.sky.com)
12. 巴黎圣母院重新开放,巴黎人庆祝 "城市找回了灵魂 With the reopening of Notre-Dame, Parisians celebrate as ''the city gets its soul back'' (news.sky.com)
14. 如果阿萨德倒台,将彻底改变这个动荡不安地区的力量格局 If Assad falls, it will utterly change the power dynamics of this troubled, volatile region (news.sky.com)
15. 随着美国总统换届,叙利亚冲突带来了独特的地缘政治挑战 With America''s presidential transition, Syria''s conflict presents a unique geopolitical challenge (news.sky.com)
16. 达拉格带来了接近 100 英里/小时的阵风,但未来的威胁可能不在这里 Darragh brought gusts of close to 100mph, but the future threat may lie elsewhere (news.sky.com)
17. 威廉王子和唐纳德-特朗普在巴黎圣母院大教堂仪式上会面 Prince William and Donald Trump meet at Notre-Dame Cathedral ceremony (news.sky.com)
18. 韩国总统被自己的政党拯救,抗议者大失所望 Huge disappointment for protesters as South Korean president saved by his own party (news.sky.com)
21. 美国下令在全国范围内检测牛奶,以阻止禽流感在奶牛中传播 US orders nationwide milk testing in bid to stop spread of bird flu in cows (news.sky.com)
22. 即将成为罗马尼亚总统的政治家抨击 "腐败政权 Politician who was on brink of becoming Romanian president attacks ''corrupted regime'' (news.sky.com)
23. 叛军扩大对叙利亚的控制,阿萨德面临关键城市争夺战 Rebel forces expand control in Syria as Assad faces fight for key city (news.sky.com)
25. 荷兰城市发生爆炸,公寓被毁,数人受伤 Apartments destroyed and several hurt after explosion in Dutch city (news.sky.com)
27. 科学家监测阿拉斯加火山下地震加剧的情况 Scientists monitoring Alaska volcano after rise in earthquakes beneath it (news.sky.com)
28. 哈兰德与沃尔夫公司(Harland & Wolff)接近与 Navantia 达成政府支持的救援协议 Harland & Wolff close to government-backed rescue deal with Navantia (news.sky.com)
30. 达拉格风暴袭击英国和爱尔兰,数百万人被敦促留在室内 Millions urged to stay inside as Storm Darragh hits UK and Ireland (news.sky.com)
31. 我非常抱歉":韩国总统在宣布戒严几天后道歉 ''I am very sorry'': South Korea''s president apologises days after declaring martial law (news.sky.com)
32. 特朗普将会见马克龙和泽连斯基,大教堂重新开放带来外交机遇 Diplomatic opportunities at cathedral reopening as Trump set to meet Macron and Zelenskyy (news.sky.com)
33. 第一支以色列-巴勒斯坦男孩乐队准备向世界发起冲击--然后是 10 月 7 日 The first Israeli-Palestinian boyband was ready to take on the world - then came 7 October (news.sky.com)
34. 修复法国心脏圣母院:"我抹去了恐怖的记忆 Restoring Notre-Dame, the heart of France: ''I''ve erased the horror'' (news.sky.com)
35. 在中央公园发现杀害医疗保险公司老板的枪手携带的背包 Backpack carried by gunman who killed health insurance boss found in Central Park (news.sky.com)
37. 迪克-范-戴克说他 "不怕 "死亡--因为他即将迎来 99 岁生日 Dick Van Dyke says he''s ''not afraid'' of death - as he approaches 99th birthday (news.sky.com)
38. 骑马摔死少年的父母获赔超过 £200m Parents of teen who fell to his death from ride awarded more than £200m (news.sky.com)
40. 首席执行官枪击案如何引发网上对美国医疗保险的讨论 How CEO shooting sparked online debate over US health insurance (news.sky.com)
41. 5 亿美元大单签订后,火车工厂数百个工作岗位得以保障 Hundreds of jobs secured at train factory after £500m deal (news.sky.com)
42. 什么是哈瓦那综合症?美国新报告称 "外国对手 "可能是神秘疾病的幕后黑手 What is Havana syndrome? New US report says ''foreign adversary'' could be behind mystery illness (news.sky.com)
43. 俄罗斯对罗马尼亚大选发动 "混合攻击",一经证实将引发北约回应 Russia''s ''hybrid attack'' on Romanian election could trigger NATO response if proven (news.sky.com)
44. 文斯指责《卫报》老板与《观察家报》接触 "不实 Vince accuses Guardian owner of ''untruth'' over Observer approach (news.sky.com)
46. 韩国令人震惊的一周:民众感到震惊,总统前途未卜 Shocking week for South Korea with people appalled and president facing uncertain future (news.sky.com)
47. 坎特伯雷大主教对其在上议院的最后演讲所造成的伤害表示 "歉意 Archbishop of Canterbury ''sorry'' for hurt caused by his final speech in the Lords (news.sky.com)
50. 无法投资 "的泰晤士河水务公司收到 Covalis Capital 的收购要约 ''Uninvestable'' Thames Water receives buyout offer from Covalis Capital (news.sky.com)
51. 印度农民在首都游行受阻后与警察发生冲突 India farmers clash with police after march on capital blocked (news.sky.com)
53. 凯米-巴德诺克(Kemi Badenoch)称,斯塔默的麦当劳笑话如果是保守党人说的,就会被称为种族主义笑话 Starmer''s McDonald''s joke would be called racist if made by a Tory, Kemi Badenoch claims (news.sky.com)
55. 叙利亚叛军逼近中心城市,数千人闪电般逃离 Syrian rebels close in on central city as thousands flee lightning advance (news.sky.com)
56. 罗马尼亚最高法院宣布第一轮总统选举结果无效 Romania''s top court annuls results of first round of presidential election (news.sky.com)
58. 英国广播公司(BBC)应警方要求推迟公布蒂姆-韦斯特伍德的报告 BBC delays publishing Tim Westwood report after police request (news.sky.com)
59. 威廉王子将出席巴黎圣母院大教堂重新开放仪式 Prince William to attend Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening in Paris (news.sky.com)
60. 法官裁定 "士兵 F "因两起 "血色星期天 "谋杀案受审的证据充分 Judge rules sufficient evidence for ''Soldier F'' to stand trial for two Bloody Sunday murders (news.sky.com)
61. 另类疗法治疗师因妇女在掌掴疗法研讨会上死亡而入狱 Alternative healer jailed over woman''s death at slapping therapy workshop (news.sky.com)
62. 在新西兰最高峰失踪的登山者据信已经死亡 Climbers missing on New Zealand''s highest mountain believed to be dead (news.sky.com)
63. 罕见照片揭示了 1909 年的圣诞老人和苏格兰达到零下 27 摄氏度的那一天 Rare photos reveal Father Christmas of 1909 and day Scotland reached -27C (news.sky.com)
64. 诺丁汉袭击事件后宣布对谋杀罪量刑进行审查 Murder sentencing review announced in wake of Nottingham attacks (news.sky.com)
65. 卫报》签署将《观察家报》出售给 Tortoise Media 的争议性协议 Guardian signs controversial deal to sell The Observer to Tortoise Media (news.sky.com)
67. 达拉格风暴将带来时速 90 英里的狂风,发布红色天气预警 Red weather warning issued as Storm Darragh set to bring 90mph winds (news.sky.com)
68. Sabrina Carpenter 将于明年 7 月在英国伦敦海德公园举办头条新闻发布会 Sabrina Carpenter to headline BST Hyde Park next July (news.sky.com)
70. Direct Line 将接受 Aviva 的甜蜜收购要约 Direct Line set to accept sweetened Aviva takeover bid (news.sky.com)
73. 由于 "全国性故障",英国各地高峰时段列车延误 Rush hour trains delayed across UK due to ''nationwide fault'' (news.sky.com)
74. 韩国执政党领袖呼吁暂停总统职务 "以保护国家和人民 South Korea''s ruling party leader calls for suspension of president ''to protect nation and its people'' (news.sky.com)
75. 马斯克斥资超过 25 亿美元帮助特朗普赢得美国大选 Musk spent more than quarter of a billion dollars helping Trump win US election (news.sky.com)
76. 韩国执政党领袖要求暂停执行未遂戒严令的总统职务 South Korea''s ruling party leader calls for suspension of president over martial law attempt (news.sky.com)
77. 追捕杀害医疗保险公司老板的枪手出现新线索 New clues emerge in hunt for gunman who killed health insurance boss (news.sky.com)
79. 生命和财产风险":英国为应对达拉格风暴发布数十个洪水警报 ''Risk to life and property'': Dozens of flood alerts as UK braces for Storm Darragh (news.sky.com)
82. 人工智能推动假裸体 "爆炸",受害者称法律失灵 AI driving ''explosion'' of fake nudes as victims say law is failing them (news.sky.com)
83. 斯塔默的票房时刻平淡无奇,但他的表现将受到评判 Starmer''s box office moment fell flat but he''ll be judged on his delivery (news.sky.com)
84. 欧洲首次出现 "杀人大黄蜂",寻找地下巢穴 Hunt for underground nest after ''murder hornets'' seen in Europe for first time (news.sky.com)
86. 俄罗斯 "大幅削弱 "与乌克兰炮兵相抗衡的能力 Russia''s ability to outmatch Ukrainian artillery ''significantly reduced'' (news.sky.com)
87. 以色列拒绝大赦组织的种族灭绝指控,称其 "不足为奇 "且是 "假新闻 Israel rejects Amnesty genocide claim as ''no surprise'' and ''fake news'' (news.sky.com)
88. 保守党联合主席指责埃隆-马斯克试图 "收买 "英国改革委员会 Tory co-chair accuses Elon Musk of trying to ''buy'' Reform UK (news.sky.com)
90. 斯塔默的里程碑是什么,还缺什么,实现起来有多容易? What are Starmer''s milestones, what''s missing, and how easy are they to achieve? (news.sky.com)
91. 加利福尼亚州发生 7.0 级地震后发出海啸警报 Tsunami warning after 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits California (news.sky.com)
92. 法国总理米歇尔-巴尼耶在不信任投票失败后辞职 French PM Michel Barnier resigns after losing no-confidence vote (news.sky.com)
94. 农民 "陷入困境",投资环保可能会推高遗产税 Farmers in ''catch-22'' as investing in environment could push up inheritance tax (news.sky.com)
95. 前土壤学家和 TikTok 明星有望成为罗马尼亚下一任总统 The ex-soil scientist and TikTok star on course to be Romania''s next president (news.sky.com)
96. 纽约警方追捕杀害医疗保健公司高管的凶手,新照片中的嫌犯面带微笑 Smiling suspect seen in new images as New York police hunt killer of healthcare executive (news.sky.com)
97. 母亲被电动自行车撞倒后肇事逃逸,男子被控谋杀 Man charged with murder after mother knocked off e-bike in hit-and-run (news.sky.com)
98. 贾斯汀-韦尔比称英格兰教会性虐待丑闻后 "人头落地 Justin Welby says a ''head had to roll'' after Church of England sexual abuse scandal (news.sky.com)
99. 两名男子因在伦敦刺伤伊朗记者而在罗马尼亚受到指控 Two men charged in Romania over stabbing of Iranian journalist in London (news.sky.com)
100. 使命、第一步和里程碑:斯塔默的优先事项自去年以来发生了哪些变化 Missions, first steps and milestones: How Starmer''s priorities have changed since last year (news.sky.com)
101. 叙利亚反政府武装夺取重要城市哈马,对阿萨德造成最新打击 Syrian rebels seize key city of Hama in latest blow for Assad (news.sky.com)
102. 凶手布里安娜-盖伊质疑刑期的请求被驳回 Brianna Ghey killer has bid to challenge length of sentence dismissed (news.sky.com)
103. 第一部长准备会见在家门口被枪杀的银行家的家人 First minister prepared to meet family of banker gunned down on doorstep (news.sky.com)
104. 父母对 3 岁儿子的死亡负有罪责,他们将儿子的尸体埋葬在后花园中 Parents guilty over death of son, 3, whose body they buried in back garden (news.sky.com)
105. 自大流行病以来,儿童 "经历了非正统的学校教育 Children ''experiencing unorthodox schooling'' since pandemic (news.sky.com)
106. 苏格兰足球管理机构因 "限制 "青少年交易被举报至监管机构 Scottish football authorities reported to watchdog over ''restriction'' of youth deals (news.sky.com)
108. 最常见的婴儿名字揭晓--两个大片演员是受欢迎程度上升的幕后推手 Most common baby names revealed - with two blockbuster movie actors behind a rise in popularity (news.sky.com)
109. 英国电动汽车市场的表现比你想象的要好 UK''s electric vehicle market is doing better than you might think (news.sky.com)
110. 斯塔默公布新 "里程碑",但未能减少移民数量 Starmer reveals new ''milestones'' but bringing down migration fails to make list (news.sky.com)
111. 上议院有影响力的小组警告说,英国对再次发生大流行病 "毫无准备 UK ''not prepared'' for another pandemic, warns influential Lords group (news.sky.com)
112. 前苏格兰橄榄球队队长因违反保释规定被禁止与分居的妻子联系并被罚款 Former Scotland rugby captain banned from contacting estranged wife and fined for breaching bail (news.sky.com)
113. 哈里王子说戴安娜王妃 "希望 "他在美国生活 Prince Harry says life in US is what Princess Diana would have ''wanted'' for him (news.sky.com)
115. 警方突袭后,五名男子因贩运人口指控被起诉 Five men charged over human trafficking allegations after police raids (news.sky.com)
116. 泰勒-斯威夫特举行本年度最盛大的新书发布会--但粉丝们发现了一个问题 Taylor Swift lands biggest book launch of the year - but fans have noticed a problem (news.sky.com)
117. 联邦调查局专家称纽约杀手是 "老练、经验丰富、训练有素的专业人士 New York killer ''practised, seasoned, trained professional'', says FBI expert (news.sky.com)
119. 流感住院人数增加 350%以上--英国国家医疗服务系统面临 "四流行 "问题 More than 350% rise in people hospitalised with flu - as NHS faces ''quad-demic'' (news.sky.com)
120. 达拉风 "来袭,发布黄色大风警报,阵风预计可达 80 英里/小时 Amber wind warning issued and gusts of up to 80mph expected as Storm Darragh to hit (news.sky.com)
121. 刚果数十人死于神秘疾病,局势 "极其令人担忧 Mysterious illness kills dozens in Congo as situation ''extremely worrying'' (news.sky.com)
123. 男子因纽卡斯尔房屋爆炸被起诉,爆炸造成男子和七岁男孩死亡 Man charged over house explosion in Newcastle which killed man and seven-year-old boy (news.sky.com)
124. 奥运盛装舞步双料冠军夏洛特-杜雅尔丹(Charlotte Dujardin)被禁赛一年,原因是出现了鞭打马匹的视频 Double Olympic dressage champion Charlotte Dujardin suspended for one year after horse whipping video emerged (news.sky.com)
125. Three-Vodafone 合并获得有条件批准,英国最大电话网络由此诞生 UK biggest phone network created as Three-Vodafone merger gets conditional approval (news.sky.com)
126. 仍在逃的 "职业 "杀手的动机仍存疑问 Questions remain over motive of ''professional'' killer still on the run (news.sky.com)
127. 签证延误使数百名英国移民的生活陷入困境--即使他们有英国子女也是如此 Visa delays crippling lives of hundreds of UK migrants - even when they have British children (news.sky.com)
128. 比特币触及 100,000 美元,特朗普挑选加密货币爱好者担任金融监督机构负责人 Bitcoin hits 100,000 as Trump picks cryptocurrency fan to head financial watchdog (news.sky.com)
129. 韩国反对党确定就戒严令弹劾总统的投票日期 South Korea opposition sets date for impeachment vote against president over martial law (news.sky.com)
131. 金刚 "减肥药将在首次推广中向不到 10%的符合条件者提供 ''King Kong'' weight loss drug to be given to less than 10% of eligible people in first rollout (news.sky.com)
132. 首席检察官表示,强奸和性犯罪案件积压 "完全不可接受 Rape and sexual offence backlog is ''totally unacceptable,'' chief prosecutor says (news.sky.com)
134. 被 "痴迷 "同事杀害的妇女的父母对保护跟踪受害者的措施感到 "高兴 Parents of woman murdered by ''obsessed'' colleague ''delighted'' by measures to protect stalking victims (news.sky.com)
136. 数十个国家遭受 "中国 "黑客攻击--美国人被警告停止发送短信 Dozens of nations hit by ''China'' hack - as Americans warned to stop sending texts (news.sky.com)
137. 闭路电视显示,蒙面男子在纽约致命枪击案发生前一刻拔枪射击医疗保健公司老板 CCTV shows masked man pull gun on healthcare boss moments before fatal NY shooting (news.sky.com)
138. 斯塔默的 "变革计划"--是什么,为什么是现在? Starmer''s ''plan for change'' - what is it and why now? (news.sky.com)
140. 在一场大规模战争中,英国军队 "将在六个月到一年内遭到毁灭性打击 British Army ''would be devastated in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
141. 在一场大规模战争中,英国军队 "将在六个月到一年内消耗殆尽 British Army ''would be depleted in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
142. 法国总理米歇尔-巴尼耶因政府垮台而输掉不信任投票 French PM Michel Barnier loses no-confidence vote as government collapses (news.sky.com)
144. 家暴运动人士对理查德-泰斯为踢打女友的改革党议员辩护感到 "震惊 Domestic abuse campaigners ''appalled'' by Richard Tice''s defence of Reform MP who kicked girlfriend (news.sky.com)
145. 卡塔尔首相:特朗普上台前希望达成加沙停火协议 Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal by the time he takes power - Qatari PM (news.sky.com)
146. 英国广播公司主持人为未申报£14.5万收入道歉 BBC presenter apologises for not declaring £145k in earnings (news.sky.com)
148. 警方寻找在皇家公园追逐并致命袭击鹿的狗的主人 Police searching for owner of dog that chased and fatally attacked deer in royal park (news.sky.com)
149. 有记录以来,男性预期寿命最低的地区首次发生变化 Area with lowest male life expectancy changes for first time since records began (news.sky.com)
151. 英国调查人员捣毁了帮助藏匿数十亿美元毒品、勒索软件和间谍活动的俄罗斯网络 Brit investigators smash Russian networks that helped hide billions in drugs, ransomware and spying operations (news.sky.com)
153. 厨艺大师》联合主持人约翰-托罗德(John Torode)表示,格雷格-华莱士的指控 "确实令人不安"。 Gregg Wallace allegations ''truly upsetting'', says MasterChef co-host John Torode (news.sky.com)
154. 英国央行行长担心预算案对企业和特朗普回归的影响 Bank of England governor frets over impact of budget on businesses and Trump''s return (news.sky.com)
155. 特朗普考虑让罗恩-德桑蒂斯出任国防部长--因为目前的人选面临争议 Trump considering Ron DeSantis for defence secretary - as current pick faces controversy (news.sky.com)
156. 在首尔街头,韩国因总统的高风险行为而陷入困境 On Seoul''s streets, South Korea is reeling from president''s high-risk antics (news.sky.com)
157. 苏格兰民族党公布来年计划,苏格兰预算草案正在编制中 Scottish draft budget under way as SNP reveal plans for the coming year (news.sky.com)
158. 英国部长称以色列阻止医疗援助和重要物资运抵加沙 Israel preventing medical aid and vital supplies from reaching Gaza, says UK minister (news.sky.com)
159. 英国各地发布暴雨天气警告,阵风最高达 80 英里/小时 Weather warnings issued for heavy rain and gusts of up to 80mph across UK (news.sky.com)
160. 提高监狱容量的计划可能 "额外耗资 40 亿美元",并缺少数千个牢房空间 Plan to boost prison capacity could ''cost £4bn extra'' and be short thousands of cell spaces (news.sky.com)
161. 81 岁男子被控谋杀,65 岁老人遭 "严重袭击 "后死亡 Man, 81, charged with murder as 65-year-old dies after being ''seriously assaulted'' (news.sky.com)
162. 国泰航空就机上 "盖伊家庭 "节目提及天安门广场一事道歉 Cathay Pacific apologises over inflight Family Guy episode referencing Tiananmen Square (news.sky.com)
163. 在一场大规模战争中,英国军队 "将在六个月到一年内被摧毁 British Army ''would be destroyed in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
165. 母亲因 "邪恶 "娃娃包装上印有色情网站而起诉美泰公司 Mother sues Mattel over porn website printed on Wicked doll packaging (news.sky.com)
166. 冬季流感病例 "迅速上升",学龄儿童受影响最严重 Cases of winter flu ''rising rapidly'' with school-aged children worst affected (news.sky.com)
167. 马克-盖希不会因队长袖标上的 "耶稣 "字样受到正式处罚 Marc Guehi to face no formal action over ''Jesus'' message on captain''s armband (news.sky.com)
168. 杀人犯将对枪杀和持刀肆虐的定罪和判刑提出上诉 Murderer to appeal conviction and sentence for shooting and stabbing spree (news.sky.com)
169. 伤心欲绝 "的家人悼念被车撞死的 "爱子 ''Heartbroken'' family pay tribute to ''beloved son'' fatally hit by car (news.sky.com)
170. 记者就出售《观察家报》的提议举行 48 小时罢工 Journalists stage 48-hour strike over proposed sale of Observer newspaper (news.sky.com)
171. 家人悼念在车祸中丧生的前英联邦运动会铁人三项运动员 Family pay tribute to former Commonwealth Games triathlete who died in crash (news.sky.com)
175. 平均房价为£44万的集镇被评为最幸福的居住地--您所在的小镇进入前20名了吗? Market town with average house price of £440k named happiest place to live - does your town make top 20? (news.sky.com)
177. 备忘录显示 BBC 去年就知道华莱士有 "不可接受 "的行为 Memo reveals BBC knew about ''unacceptable'' behaviour from Wallace last year (news.sky.com)
178. 露西-莱特比因更多婴儿死亡和倒塌事件在狱中接受采访 Lucy Letby interviewed in prison over more baby deaths and collapses (news.sky.com)
179. 驾考老板 "欺压考官对学员手下留情,以减少 COVID 积压"。 Driving test bosses ''bullying examiners to be lenient with learners to reduce COVID backlog'' (news.sky.com)
180. 乌克兰的情况有多糟?战争会蔓延到欧洲吗?现在停火对基辅有利吗? 已回答的问题 How bad are things for Ukraine? Could the war spread to Europe? Would a ceasefire benefit Kyiv now? Your questions answered (news.sky.com)
181. 前军情六处处长警告:俄罗斯对英国网络基础设施的攻击将成为 "我们生活的特征 Russian attacks on UK cyberinfrastructure will be ''feature of our life'', former MI6 chief warns (news.sky.com)
183. 抗议者在街头为格鲁吉亚的未来而战,毫不气馁 Protesters undeterred in battle on the streets for Georgia''s future (news.sky.com)
184. 英国 "狂野西部 "法院系统内幕:人们可能要等到 2028 年才能得到公正审判 Inside the UK''s ''wild west'' court system where people may have to wait until 2028 for justice to take place (news.sky.com)
185. 我们必须抱有一些希望黎巴嫩人既委曲求全又担心战争不会结束 ''We must have some hope'': Lebanon divided between stoicism and fear war may not be over (news.sky.com)
187. 报告发现,去年有数千名儿童失学 Thousands of children were missing from education last year, report finds (news.sky.com)
188. 美国的堕胎禁令如何给妇女带来风险:"我的妻子差点失血过多而死在厕所里--我的女儿可不能再这样了 How US abortion bans put women at risk: ''My wife almost bled out in our toilet - it can''t be the same for my daughter'' (news.sky.com)
189. 特朗普国防部长人选拒绝回答争议问题 Trump''s defence secretary pick refuses to answer questions on controversies (news.sky.com)
190. 足球规则对宗教表达应该有多严格? How rigid should football''s rules be on expressions of religion? (news.sky.com)
191. 没关系改革议员驳斥称国会议员踢其女友的法庭记录 ''It doesn''t matter'': Reform deputy dismisses court records that say MP kicked his girlfriend (news.sky.com)
192. 加布里埃拉女士在丈夫自杀后警告抗抑郁药的 "副作用 Lady Gabriella warns about ''side effects'' of antidepressants after husband took his own life (news.sky.com)
193. 华莱士面临新的 "摸索 "指控,BBC撤下《厨艺大师》特别节目 Wallace faces new claims of ''groping'' as BBC pulls MasterChef specials (news.sky.com)
194. 特朗普申请驳回封口费案,并撤销因大选获胜而做出的判决 Trump files motion to dismiss hush money case and set aside conviction due to election victory (news.sky.com)
195. 国王在国宴上款待卡塔尔埃米尔--贝克汉姆夫妇等名流也出席了宴会 King hosts Emir of Qatar at state banquet - with Beckhams among the famous faces in attendance (news.sky.com)
196. 财政大臣承认,企业要消化国家保险上调的成本并不 "容易 Chancellor admits it won''t be ''easy'' for business to absorb costs of national insurance hike (news.sky.com)
197. 费恩-科顿(Fearne Cotton)透露她将接受良性肿瘤手术 Fearne Cotton reveals she will have surgery on benign tumours (news.sky.com)
199. 令人匪夷所思 "的脱欧规定使英国食品出口每年减少£30 亿美元 ''Mind-boggling'' Brexit rules hit British food exports by £3bn a year (news.sky.com)
200. 卫报》所有者主席就出售《观察家报》一事拼命安抚员工 Guardian owner''s chair in desperate bid to reassure staff over Observer sale (news.sky.com)
201. 北约领导人称普京将乌克兰作为导弹 "试验场",对和平 "不感兴趣 Putin using Ukraine as ''testing ground'' for missiles and is ''not interested in peace'', says NATO boss (news.sky.com)
202. 戒严令让韩国陷入混乱--但韩国政府的动荡已有时日 Martial law has left South Korea in chaos - but its government has been in turmoil for some time (news.sky.com)
204. 埃尔金大理石浮雕 "关系到大英博物馆",英国第 10 国集团称--斯塔默与希腊总理会晤之际 Elgin Marbles ''matter for British Museum'', No 10 says - as Starmer and Greek PM meet (news.sky.com)
205. 特朗普表示,如果在就职典礼前不释放加沙人质,将 "付出代价"。 Trump says there will be ''hell to pay'' if hostages held in Gaza not released before inauguration (news.sky.com)
206. 福特的英国老板要求纳税人提供激励措施以推动电动汽车的未来发展 Ford''s UK boss demands taxpayer incentives to drive electric car future (news.sky.com)
207. 官方劳动力数据的全面修订可能还需要两年时间--国家统计局 Overhaul of official workforce data may take another two years - ONS (news.sky.com)
208. 你明天能和我说话吗?醉酒驾驶员逃离车祸现场后被发现躺在床上,警方将其逮捕 ''Can you speak to me tomorrow?'': Drunk driver found in bed as police arrest him after fleeing crash scene (news.sky.com)
209. 柬埔寨 13 名妇女因贩卖婴儿换取现金被判有罪 13 women found guilty for selling babies for cash in Cambodia (news.sky.com)
210. 调查显示,从西班牙大桥坠落的英国人死于头部受伤 Briton who fell from Spanish bridge died from head injuries, inquest told (news.sky.com)
212. 凯特罕见地出席卡塔尔统治者的访问,女王告诉客人她的胸部感染是肺炎 Kate makes rare appearance for visit of Qatari ruler as Queen tells guests her chest infection was pneumonia (news.sky.com)
213. 在格雷格-华莱士受到指控后,BBC 取消了《厨艺大师》圣诞特别节目 BBC pulls MasterChef Christmas specials after Gregg Wallace allegations (news.sky.com)
214. 女子将男友留在拉链行李箱中谋杀入狱 Woman jailed for murdering boyfriend by leaving him in zipped suitcase (news.sky.com)
215. 马斯克再次被阻止领取 "全球最大薪酬奖 Musk again prevented from receiving ''world''s largest pay award'' (news.sky.com)
216. 梅兰妮-赛克斯(Melanie Sykes)在经历《厨艺大师》(Celebrity MasterChef)之后批评电视业 Melanie Sykes criticises TV industry after Celebrity MasterChef experience (news.sky.com)
218. 女子被控在划船事件中造成四人死亡而出庭受审 Woman in court charged over deaths of four people in paddleboarding incident (news.sky.com)
219. 彩虹臂章上写有 "我爱耶稣 "字样后,英超俱乐部队长受到了 "提醒"。 Premier League club captain ''reminded'' after ''I love Jesus'' message written on rainbow armband (news.sky.com)
220. 三名登山者在新西兰最高峰旅行后失踪 Three climbers missing after trip to New Zealand''s highest mountain (news.sky.com)
221. 英国准备 500 万剂疫苗以防禽流感大流行 UK prepares five million vaccine doses in case of bird flu pandemic (news.sky.com)
222. 男子纵火焚烧女友--但她两年后才因伤势过重死亡 Man set his girlfriend on fire - but she only died from injuries two years later (news.sky.com)
224. 分析瘫痪?工党每两天半就启动一次新的审查 Paralysis by analysis? Labour launch a new review every two and a half days (news.sky.com)
225. 梦想可能成真英超老将可能在足总杯中面对儿子 ''Dreams might come true'': Premier League veteran could face son in FA Cup (news.sky.com)
227. 男子因谋杀女友入狱,女友在他纵火焚烧两年后死亡 Man jailed for murdering girlfriend who died two years after he set her on fire (news.sky.com)
228. 警方称仍在调查 1996 年六岁女童遇害悬案 Unsolved 1996 killing of six-year-old girl still being investigated, police say (news.sky.com)
229. 丈夫透露妻子临终遗言,酒驾司机因在婚礼当天杀害妻子而入狱 Husband reveals wife''s final words as drink driver jailed for killing her on wedding day (news.sky.com)
230. 大肆制造的轩然大波表明,捷豹成功地引起了人们的议论 Largely manufactured furore shows Jaguar succeeded at getting people talking (news.sky.com)
231. 失踪妇女 "自愿失踪"--在父亲因找不到她而自杀之后 Missing woman ''disappeared voluntarily'' - after dad took own life when he failed to find her (news.sky.com)
232. 治疗罕见眼癌的 "开创性 "药物将在英格兰国家医疗服务系统中推广 ''Pioneering'' drug for rare eye cancer to be rolled out on NHS in England (news.sky.com)
233. 法院维持对 120 亿美元诈骗案中富豪的死刑判决 Court upholds death sentence for tycoon in 12bn fraud case (news.sky.com)
234. 真主党的尸体从临时乱葬坑中被挖出,停火 "胜利 "前景黯淡 Ceasefire ''victory'' looks bleak as Hezbollah bodies exhumed from makeshift mass graves (news.sky.com)
235. 英国改革正在赢得 "兄弟票"? ''Something remarkable is happening with Gen-Z'' - is Reform UK winning the ''bro vote''? (news.sky.com)
236. 我爸爸被枪杀--然后人们说是我妈妈干的》:悬而未决的门前谋杀案 ''My dad was shot dead - then people said my mum did it'': The doorstep murder that remains unsolved (news.sky.com)
237. 新款电动车亮相,捷豹老板为品牌重塑辩护 Jaguar boss defends rebrand after backlash - as new electric car revealed (news.sky.com)
238. 照片:蕾哈娜和 ASAP Rocky 在英国时尚大奖走红毯 In pictures: Rihanna and ASAP Rocky walk red carpet at British Fashion Awards (news.sky.com)
239. 斯塔默表示乌克兰必须处于 "最有利的谈判地位",这是重大转变 Significant shift as Starmer says Ukraine must be in ''strongest possible position for negotiations'' (news.sky.com)
240. 安全主管警告称,英国 "普遍 "低估了网络威胁 UK ''widely'' underestimating cyber threats, security chief warns (news.sky.com)
241. 计票结束后,爱尔兰最大政党 Fianna Fail 将开始联盟谈判 Fianna Fail largest party in Ireland as counting finishes - with coalition negotiations set to begin (news.sky.com)
242. 赋予网络跟踪受害者 "了解 "犯罪者身份的权利 Victims of online stalking given ''right to know'' perpetrator''s identity (news.sky.com)
244. 叙利亚称,在过去 24 小时内,叙利亚与俄罗斯的打击行动已打死至少 400 名叛乱分子 Syria says its strikes with Russia have killed at least 400 insurgents over past 24 hours (news.sky.com)
245. 保守党斥资 5000 万乘坐卢旺达驱逐航班,却从未起飞 Tories spent £50m on Rwanda deportation flights that never took off (news.sky.com)
246. 斯塔默全力投入特朗普的爱--并盗用了一句耳熟能详的口号 Starmer goes all-in on Trump love-in - and steals a notoriously familiar slogan (news.sky.com)
247. 哈维-韦恩斯坦在 "令人震惊的血液检测 "后被紧急送往医院 Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital after ''alarming blood test'' (news.sky.com)
248. 有组织犯罪团伙成员帮助向英国走私价值高达 £7bn 的毒品后被判入狱 Organised crime gang members jailed after helping smuggle up to £7bn worth of drugs into UK (news.sky.com)
249. 汽车驾驶员在航运卡特尔索赔案中获得 3800 万美元赔偿 Motorists rev up £38m settlement in shipping cartel claim (news.sky.com)
250. 由于胸部感染的 "持续副作用",女王将缺席卡塔尔国事访问期间的欢迎仪式 Queen to miss ceremonial welcome during Qatari state visit due to ''lingering side effects'' of chest infection (news.sky.com)
251. 前《厨艺大师》(MasterChef)参赛选手声称,格雷格-华莱士(Gregg Wallace)的猥亵言论让我羞愧难当,痛哭流涕 Lewd Gregg Wallace comment left me crying with humiliation, ex-MasterChef contestant claims (news.sky.com)
252. 伊普斯维奇镇为队长不佩戴彩虹臂章以支持 LGBTQ 融合的决定辩护 Ipswich Town defend decision of captain not to wear rainbow armband in support of LGBTQ inclusion (news.sky.com)
255. 伊普斯维奇镇为队长不佩戴彩虹臂章以支持 LGBTQ 融合的决定辩护 Ipswich Town defends decision of captain not to wear rainbow armband in support of LGBTQ inclusion (news.sky.com)
256. 真主党 "违反停火 "向以色列国防军开火,以色列威胁 "以武力还击 Israel threatens to ''respond with force'' after Hezbollah fires at IDF in ''ceasefire violation'' (news.sky.com)
257. 暴风雨 "博拉 "造成大面积破坏,至少三人死亡 At least three dead amid widespread damage following Storm Bora (news.sky.com)
258. 民意调查发现,大多数公众认为有关协助死亡的辩论过于仓促 Majority of public think debate on assisted dying has been rushed, poll finds (news.sky.com)
259. 卫报》老板在罢工前向观察员做出最后让步 Guardian boss offers last-ditch Observer concessions ahead of strike (news.sky.com)
261. 瘫痪病人在大脑中植入电极后能够行走 Paralysed patients able to walk after having electrodes implanted in their brains (news.sky.com)
262. 俄罗斯官员 "造成的 "诺维乔克 "中毒事件 "是保护公众的 "赤裸裸的失败 Novichok poisonings ''brought about by Russian officials'' were ''abject failure'' to protect public (news.sky.com)
264. 从摩托车团伙的破渔船上缴获创纪录的 2.3 吨可卡因 Record 2.3 tonnes of cocaine seized from biker gang''s broken down fishing boat (news.sky.com)
266. 从纽约偷渡到巴黎的偷渡者因 "骚乱 "被赶下返回美国的航班 Stowaway who made it to Paris from New York taken off flight back to US over ''disturbance'' (news.sky.com)
267. 我当时头脑不清醒格雷格-华莱士就 "特定年龄女性 "视频道歉 ''I wasn''t in a good head space'': Gregg Wallace apologises over ''women of a certain age'' video (news.sky.com)
268. 退休警犬大手术后首次散步救出失踪男子 Retired police dog on first walk since major surgery rescues missing man (news.sky.com)
271. 足球运动员在球场上晕倒后在医院里 "意识清醒并能说话 Footballer ''conscious and talking'' in hospital after collapsing on pitch (news.sky.com)
272. 虎鲸群开发出捕食世界上最大鱼类的独特技术 Killer whale pod develops unique technique to hunt world''s largest fish (news.sky.com)
273. 南威尔士出现大型天坑,居民被告知远离此地 Large sinkhole opens up in South Wales as residents told to stay away (news.sky.com)
274. 都柏林骚乱已经过去一年了,为什么反移民候选人在爱尔兰大选中表现如此糟糕? A year on from the Dublin riots, why did anti-immigration candidates do so badly in Ireland''s election? (news.sky.com)
275. 工会称 BBC 处理格雷格-华莱士投诉的报告 "令人深感不安 Reports of BBC''s handling of Gregg Wallace complaints ''deeply troubling'', union says (news.sky.com)
277. 如果不在 2029 年之前拆除不安全的覆层,楼主可能面临牢狱之灾 Building owners could face prison if unsafe cladding not removed by 2029 (news.sky.com)
279. 大脑腐烂 "被选为 2024 牛津年度词汇--但它意味着什么? ''Brain rot'' chosen as 2024 Oxford word of the year - but what does it mean? (news.sky.com)
280. 足球球迷引发的踩踏事件造成 50 多人死亡 Stampede caused by football fans leaves more than 50 people dead (news.sky.com)
281. 巴士在比利牛斯山坠毁,2 人死亡,30 多人受伤 Two dead and more than 30 injured after coach crashes in Pyrenees (news.sky.com)
282. 反诺丁山狂欢节议程":组织者批评调查--官员将活动称为 "战区 ''Anti-Notting Hill Carnival agenda'': Organisers criticise survey - as officers brand event ''war zone'' (news.sky.com)
283. 邻居》(Neighbours)主演透露自己患上了 "侵袭性、不可治愈 "的癌症 Neighbours star reveals he has ''aggressive, non-fixable'' cancer (news.sky.com)
284. 我失去了视力埃尔顿-约翰无法观看新音乐剧首演 ''I have lost my eyesight'': Elton John unable to watch premiere of his new musical (news.sky.com)
286. 沃克斯豪尔母公司的老板在卢顿工厂宣布关闭几天后突然辞职 Vauxhall parent firm''s boss abruptly resigns - days after Luton plant announced closure (news.sky.com)
288. 拜登总统选择家庭第一,这一点不足为奇 It''s hardly surprising President Biden is choosing family first (news.sky.com)
291. 失去亲人的家庭和国会议员呼吁对 16 岁以下儿童使用手机采取更严厉的措施 Bereaved families and MPs call for tougher measures on mobiles for under-16s (news.sky.com)
292. 9 岁男孩被以色列士兵击中颈部后终身瘫痪 Boy, 9, paralysed for life after being shot in neck by Israeli soldiers (news.sky.com)
294. 前俄罗斯总统发出警告,报道称格鲁吉亚抗议活动正在蔓延 Georgian protests spreading, say reports, as ex-Russia president issues warning (news.sky.com)
295. 测试英军前线武器供应链的 "战争游戏 ''War game'' to test weapons supply chain to frontline British troops (news.sky.com)
297. 我的化学浪漫乐队确认前鼓手去世,享年 44 岁 My Chemical Romance confirm ex-drummer''s death at age 44 (news.sky.com)
300. 被指控的犯罪团伙头目未能在爱尔兰大选中赢得席位 Alleged crime gang boss fails to win seat in Irish election (news.sky.com)