1. 緊張的監獄系統將失去數千間牢房,以改善消防安全和安保狀況 Under-strain prison system to lose thousands of cells for fire safety and security improvements (news.sky.com)
2. 沙特阿拉伯將成為 2034 年世界盃主辦國--但 "競標 "過程中仍存在疑問 Saudi Arabia to be named as 2034 World Cup hosts - but questions still hang over ''bidding'' process (news.sky.com)
3. 在敘利亞被關押 12 年的美國記者的家人對阿薩德下臺後重返家園抱有 "難以置信的希望 Family of US journalist held captive in Syria for 12 years ''incredibly hopeful'' of return in wake of Assad''s fall (news.sky.com)
5. 迪克-範-戴克和雪兒等數千人從馬里布野火中撤離 Dick Van Dyke and Cher among thousands evacuated from Malibu wildfire (news.sky.com)
7. 工黨議員在議會接待被控參加被禁止的庫爾德工人黨組織的男子 Labour MP hosted man charged with being part of banned PKK group in parliament (news.sky.com)
8. 為殉職急救人員設立新獎項是對遇害女兒的 "恰當 "紀念 New award for emergency workers killed on duty a ''fitting'' tribute to murdered daughters (news.sky.com)
9. 工會暗示公共部門將就 "令人反感的 "2.8%加薪建議採取工業行動 Unions hint at public sector industrial action over ''offensive'' 2.8% pay rise recommendation (news.sky.com)
10. 對美國人民的侮辱"--被指控的紐約槍手在法庭外與警方發生衝突 ''An insult to the American people'' - Alleged New York gunman tussles with police outside court (news.sky.com)
13. 世界領導人不能忽視敘利亞叛軍領導人--他們將仔細研究他接受天空新聞採訪的內容 World leaders cannot ignore Syria''s rebel leader - they''ll study his Sky News interview closely (news.sky.com)
14. 天坑 "吞噬 "車道後,"愛情島 "冠軍被迫搬離家園 Love Island winner forced to move out of home after sinkhole ''eats away'' driveway (news.sky.com)
15. 說唱歌手阿澤利亞-班克斯(Azealia Banks)對 1975 樂隊的馬蒂-希利(Matty Healy)提起訴訟 Rapper Azealia Banks takes legal action against The 1975''s Matty Healy (news.sky.com)
16. 法院聽說,15 歲的埃莉安-安達姆(Elianne Andam)在倫敦購物中心外的刺殺事件中與朋友的前男友求情。 Elianne Andam, 15, pleaded with friend''s ex during stabbing outside London shopping centre, court hears (news.sky.com)
17. 前英格蘭橄欖球運動員汽車墜河後失蹤,推定已死亡 Former England rugby player missing presumed dead after car went into river (news.sky.com)
18. 絕望的家屬在敘利亞停屍房翻看屍袋尋找親人 Desperate families look through body bags in search for loved ones in Syrian morgues (news.sky.com)
19. 工黨議員霍奇將領導英格蘭藝術委員會的審查工作 Labour peer Hodge lined up to lead Arts Council England review (news.sky.com)
20. 豔照門嫌犯試圖用剪刀殺害警官罪名成立 Suspected flasher guilty of trying to murder police officer with scissors (news.sky.com)
21. 內塔尼亞胡在加固的法庭上作證,稱腐敗指控 "荒謬 Netanyahu gives evidence in fortified courtroom as he calls corruption claims ''absurd'' (news.sky.com)
22. 前人權律師因與針對英國士兵的案件有關的欺詐行為而免於牢獄之災 Former human rights lawyer avoids jail over fraud linked to cases against British soldiers (news.sky.com)
23. 我今天早上還在給他發信息英國新財長透露與埃隆-馬斯克的 "直接 "接觸 ''I was messaging him this morning'': Reform UK''s new Treasurer reveals ''direct'' contact with Elon Musk (news.sky.com)
25. 莎拉-傑西卡-帕克加入 2025 年布克獎評審團 Sarah Jessica Parker joins Booker Prize 2025 judging panel (news.sky.com)
26. 其組織推翻了阿薩德的叛軍領導人告訴天空新聞:西方不必害怕敘利亞 West has nothing to fear from Syria, rebel leader whose group ousted Assad tells Sky News (news.sky.com)
28. 令人髮指 "的性犯罪者被判入獄,他在網上假扮十幾歲的男孩,虐待了近 50 名兒童 ''Heinous'' sex offender who abused nearly 50 children after posing as a teenage boy online is jailed (news.sky.com)
29. 45 年前被發現死於樹林的男子身份線索包括筆跡和錢財 Handwriting and money among clues to identity of man found dead in woods 45 years ago (news.sky.com)
30. 危險 "野火威脅受名人歡迎的美國城市,大學發出警告 Warning at university after ''dangerous'' wildfire threatens US city popular with celebrities (news.sky.com)
31. 殼牌與綠色和平組織就激烈的氣候抗議案件達成和解,英國皇家救生艇協會從中受益 RNLI benefits as Shell and Greenpeace settle bitter climate protest case (news.sky.com)
32. Jay-Z 呼籲公開強姦指控者的身份或撤銷案件 Jay-Z calls for rape accuser''s identity to be revealed or case dismissed (news.sky.com)
33. 俄羅斯間諜頭目聲稱烏克蘭 "接近崩潰"--此前克里姆林宮曾就戰爭何時結束髮出警告 Russian spy chief claims Ukraine ''close to collapse'' - after Kremlin warning on when war will end (news.sky.com)
34. 巴西總統接受緊急腦部手術後在重症監護室康復中 Brazilian president recovering in intensive care after having emergency brain surgery (news.sky.com)
36. 前世界自行車冠軍承認奧運冠軍妻子死亡指控,面臨牢獄之災 Ex-world cycling champion facing prison after admitting charge over death of Olympian wife (news.sky.com)
37. 英國機場聖誕假期航班可能因罷工行動而受到影響 Christmas holiday flights at UK airport could be affected due to strike action (news.sky.com)
38. 哈里斯、羅根和美國銀行行長入選《時代》雜誌年度人物候選名單 Harris, Rogan and US bank chief among Time magazine''s nominees for Person Of The Year (news.sky.com)
39. 它改變了我的生活詹姆斯-柯登談加文& 斯泰西(Gavin & Stacey),大結局照片曝光 ''It changed my life'': James Corden on Gavin & Stacey as pictures of finale released (news.sky.com)
40. 被指控強姦後,Jay-Z 攜碧昂絲和女兒亮相紅毯 Jay-Z appears on red carpet with Beyonce and daughter after rape allegation (news.sky.com)
45. 紐約槍擊案嫌犯在面對新的現實時一籌莫展 New York shooting suspect cut a defeated figure as he locked eyes with a new reality (news.sky.com)
46. 在預算威脅下,英鎊廣場因 "挑戰 "而遭受 £6.42 億美元的損失 Poundland takes £642m hit on ''challenges'' amid budget threat (news.sky.com)
47. 德國將把偷運移民到英國明確定為刑事犯罪 Germany to make migrant smuggling to UK a clear criminal offence (news.sky.com)
48. 敘利亞的暴君已不復存在,取而代之的是一場近乎文明的革命 Syria''s tyrant is gone and his regime replaced by a revolution that almost feels civilised (news.sky.com)
49. 路易吉-曼喬內被控謀殺聯合健康保險公司首席執行官 Luigi Mangione charged with murdering UnitedHealthcare''s CEO (news.sky.com)
50. 敘利亞前總理承諾和平轉換權力,以色列瞄準化學武器基地 Israel targets chemical weapons sites as former Syria PM pledges peaceful power switch (news.sky.com)
51. 內塔尼亞胡將在其腐敗案審判中首次出庭作證 Netanyahu to take the stand for the first time in his corruption trial (news.sky.com)
52. 一個脆弱的人是如何被他的照顧者辜負的? How a vulnerable man was failed by his carer - and what it says about a system at breaking point (news.sky.com)
53. 因涉嫌殺害醫療保健公司老闆而被捕的男子出庭受審 Man arrested in connection with health care boss killing appears in court (news.sky.com)
54. 斯塔默無視批評沙特之行的聲音,將經濟放在首位 Economy comes first for Starmer as he defies critics of Saudi trip (news.sky.com)
55. 魯珀特-默多克(Rupert Murdoch)在爭奪媒體帝國控制權的鬥爭中敗下陣來--報道 Rupert Murdoch loses battle to wrestle control of media empire - reports (news.sky.com)
56. 銀行家審查公共部門支出,"將私營部門納入政府核心 Bankers to scrutinise public sector spending to ''bring private sector into the heart of government'' (news.sky.com)
57. 我們對因涉嫌槍殺美國醫療保健公司首席執行官而被捕的男子有何瞭解? What we know about man arrested in connection with shooting of US healthcare CEO (news.sky.com)
58. 前美國海軍陸戰隊員用扼喉法制服流浪漢,因其死亡而被判無罪釋放 Former US marine who used chokehold to restrain homeless man cleared over his death (news.sky.com)
59. 阿薩德走後,人們擔心重新崛起的恐怖組織會填補真空 With Assad gone there are fears a resurgent terror group could fill the vacuum (news.sky.com)
60. 從北海打撈出的載有遺骸的殘骸被確認為去年失蹤的飛機 Wreckage with human remains recovered from North Sea confirmed as plane that disappeared last year (news.sky.com)
62. 警方稱,因槍擊美國醫療保健公司老闆而被捕的男子 "據信是我們的嫌疑人 Man arrested over shooting of US healthcare boss ''believed to be our person of interest'', police say (news.sky.com)
63. 英國脫歐後財政大臣與歐盟財長的首次會晤 "非常具有象徵意義和重要性 ''Very symbolic and important'' first meeting of chancellor and EU finance ministers since Brexit (news.sky.com)
64. 敘利亞有哪些不同的反叛組織? Who are the different rebel groups in Syria – and what territory do they control? (news.sky.com)
65. 工黨議會領袖因被指控 "向難民發送性信息 "而辭職 Labour council leader quits amid allegations of ''sexual messages to refugees'' (news.sky.com)
66. 阿薩德下臺後,內政部暫停對敘利亞庇護申請做出決定 Home Office pauses decisions on Syrian asylum claims following fall of Assad (news.sky.com)
67. 男子因涉嫌殺害美國醫療保健公司老闆而接受審問 Man being questioned in connection with killing of US healthcare boss (news.sky.com)
68. 在海灘上 "屠戮 "婦女的犯罪學學生 "向講師詢問謀殺罪的自衛問題 Criminology student who ''butchered'' woman on beach ''asked lecturers about self-defence for murder'' (news.sky.com)
70. 巴黎會晤後,特朗普對 "英俊 "的威廉王子讚不絕口 Trump gushes over ''handsome'' Prince William after Paris meeting (news.sky.com)
71. 基爾-斯塔默爵士宣佈進一步援助敘利亞,稱英國將 "在世界舞臺上發揮作用 Sir Keir Starmer says UK will ''play our part on world stage'' as he announces further aid for Syria (news.sky.com)
73. 洛克比爆炸案審判前部分飛機殘骸被運往美國 Part of Lockerbie plane wreckage moved to US ahead of bombing trial (news.sky.com)
75. 叛軍攻入阿薩德宮殿,發現豪華汽車收藏,其中包括 "價值 300 萬美元 "的罕見法拉利跑車 Rebels storming Assad''s palace find luxury car collection including rare Ferrari ''worth £3m'' (news.sky.com)
76. 埃迪-雷德梅恩和凱拉-奈特莉等英國明星獲得金球獎提名 Eddie Redmayne and Keira Knightley among British stars nominated for Golden Globes (news.sky.com)
77. 泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)結束創紀錄的 "Eras "巡迴演唱會,距開唱僅 632 天 Taylor Swift wraps her record-breaking Eras Tour, 632 day after starting (news.sky.com)
78. 法院聽說,少年在爭搶泰迪熊時用刀刺向女學生頸部,致其死亡 Teen fatally stabbed schoolgirl in neck in row over teddy bear, court hears (news.sky.com)
81. 以查爾斯-達爾文命名的小青蛙飛往倫敦拯救它們 Tiny frogs named after Charles Darwin flown to London to save them (news.sky.com)
82. 被指控向全國兒童保護委員會提供 "線索 "的婦女否認跟蹤喬治-奧斯本及其妻子 Woman accused of sending ''tip-offs'' to NSPCC denies stalking George Osborne and wife (news.sky.com)
83. 少年飛鏢明星盧克-利特勒入圍英國廣播公司(BBC)年度體育人物候選名單 Teenage darts star Luke Littler shortlisted for BBC Sports Personality of the Year (news.sky.com)
84. 棒球明星與紐約大都會隊達成 15 年 7.65 億美元的創紀錄協議 Baseball star ''agrees record 15-year 765m deal'' with New York Mets (news.sky.com)
86. 斯萊德(Slade)歌手在 "只剩六個月可活 "五年後提供癌症最新信息 Slade singer gives cancer update five years after being given ''six months to live'' (news.sky.com)
87. 佛羅倫薩附近燃料庫爆炸,2 人死亡,4 人失蹤 Two dead and four missing after fuel depot blast near Florence (news.sky.com)
88. 研究發現,偶爾吃點甜食可能比不吃糖更健康 Occasional sweet treat may be healthier than no sugar at all, study finds (news.sky.com)
90. 朱迪-加蘭在《綠野仙蹤》中穿過的紅寶石拖鞋創下電影紀念品拍賣紀錄 Ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard Of Oz set auction record for movie memorabilia (news.sky.com)
92. 誰是敘利亞叛軍領導人阿布-穆罕默德-喬拉尼(Abu Mohammed al Jolani),他與基地組織有什麼聯繫? Who is Syrian rebel leader Abu Mohammed al Jolani and what are his links to al Qaeda? (news.sky.com)
93. 停止瘋狂特朗普呼籲俄羅斯與烏克蘭達成 "立即 "解決方案 ''Stop the madness'': Trump calls for Russia to reach ''immediate'' settlement with Ukraine (news.sky.com)
94. 敘利亞反叛組織 "半邊天 "可能從英國禁止恐怖組織名單中除名 Syrian rebel group HTS could be removed from UK''s banned terror organisation list (news.sky.com)
95. 韓國總統因戒嚴令案被禁止出國訪問 South Korean president barred from foreign travel amid martial law case (news.sky.com)
96. 諾丁山狂歡節附近死亡事件中可能掌握 "重要 "信息的兩名目擊者的照片被公佈 Images released of two possible witnesses who may hold ''vital'' information over death near Notting Hill Carnival (news.sky.com)
97. 敘利亞叛軍如何在一週多的時間內推翻阿薩德政權 How Syrian rebels overthrew the Assad regime in just over a week (news.sky.com)
98. 女性的喜劇,男性的恐怖"--《夜母狗》為何讓母親們如釋重負? ''A comedy for women and a horror for men'' - why Nightbitch serves as a breath of relief for mothers (news.sky.com)
99. 去年有 30 萬學生缺課,工黨敦促 "關注 "學生缺課問題 Labour urged to ''focus'' on pupil absence as ''300,000 missing from school last year'' (news.sky.com)
100. Jay-Z 被指控在 MTV 音樂錄影帶大獎頒獎典禮後與 P Diddy 一起強姦 13 歲女孩 Jay-Z accused of raping girl, 13, alongside P Diddy after MTV Video Music Awards (news.sky.com)
101. 斯塔默訪問中東時表示,英格蘭北部將受益於與沙特更緊密的關係 North of England will benefit from closer ties to Saudi, says Starmer, as he visits Middle East (news.sky.com)
102. 特朗普呼籲俄羅斯與烏克蘭達成 "立即 "解決方案 Trump calls for Russia to reach ''immediate'' settlement with Ukraine (news.sky.com)
103. 敘利亞遭到美國和以色列空襲,戰爭博主擔心叛軍威脅俄羅斯基地 Syria hit by US and Israeli airstrikes as war bloggers fret about threat to Russian bases from rebels (news.sky.com)
104. 潛水員協助搜尋殺害紐約醫療保健公司總裁兇手的證據 Divers helping in search for evidence in hunt for New York healthcare CEO killer (news.sky.com)
105. 威廉王子在無家可歸者收容所提供聖誕午餐,他曾與戴安娜一起探訪過這些收容所 Prince William serves Christmas lunch at homeless shelter he visited with Diana (news.sky.com)
106. 斯塔默在訪問中東前 "歡迎""殘暴 "的阿薩德政權倒臺 Starmer ''welcomes'' fall of ''brutal'' Assad regime ahead of Middle East visit (news.sky.com)
107. 俄羅斯國家媒體證實,敘利亞總統阿薩德已抵達莫斯科並獲得庇護 Syria''s President Assad is in Moscow and has been granted asylum, confirms Russian state media (news.sky.com)
110. 在曼徹斯特,敘利亞人夢想重返家園,喜極而泣 Tears of joy in Manchester as Syrians dream of returning home (news.sky.com)
111. 俱樂部稱西漢姆前鋒米哈伊爾-安東尼奧車禍後已接受手術治療 West Ham striker Michail Antonio has had surgery after car crash, club says (news.sky.com)
112. 紐約警方公佈涉嫌殺害醫療保健公司首席執行官的男子的新照片 NYPD release new images of man suspected of killing healthcare CEO (news.sky.com)
113. 我見到的阿薩德令人印象奇差--與其說他是個惡魔,不如說他是個怪人 The Assad I met was strangely unimpressive - more oddball than evil (news.sky.com)
114. 從眼科醫生到獨裁者--阿薩德總統職位的興衰榮辱 From eye doctor to dictator - the rise and fall of Assad''s presidency (news.sky.com)
115. 莫斯科稱阿薩德 "已離開 "大馬士革,敘利亞軍隊宣佈結束其統治 Assad ''has left'' Damascus, says Moscow, as Syrian army declares end of his rule (news.sky.com)
116. Brave Bison 收購 T20 世界盃版權持有者 Engage Brave Bison swoops for T20 World Cup rights-holder Engage (news.sky.com)
117. 阿薩德下臺造成安全真空--特朗普可能別無選擇,只能發揮作用 The fall of Assad creates a security vacuum - and may give Trump little choice but to play a role (news.sky.com)
118. 安吉拉-雷納說,蠑螈不能比需要住房的人更受保護 Angela Rayner says newts can''t be more protected than people who need housing (news.sky.com)
120. 阿薩德王朝數十年的殘暴統治結束了--但敘利亞的地平線上烏雲密佈 Decades of brutal Assad dynasty rule are at an end - but there are dark clouds on the horizon for Syria (news.sky.com)
121. 阿米爾-汗--重新定義明星含義的寶萊塢偶像 Aamir Khan - a Bollywood icon redefining what it means to be a star (news.sky.com)
122. 80 年代的電視環境是否充滿性別歧視?吉利-庫珀(Jilly Cooper)的熱門劇集《對手》(Rivals)沉湎於逝去的過度時代 Was TV in the ''80s a sexist environment? Jilly Cooper''s hit series Rivals wallows in bygone age of excess (news.sky.com)
123. 隨著阿薩德的倒臺,這個動盪不安地區的權力格局將徹底改變 As Assad falls, the power dynamics of this troubled, volatile region will utterly change (news.sky.com)
124. 斯塔默的基礎設施承諾可能要到 2040 年才能兌現--這對選民來說夠快嗎? Starmer''s infrastructure promise could take until the 2040s to deliver - will it be fast enough for voters? (news.sky.com)
126. 達拉格風暴肆虐後,週日將發佈新的天氣警告 Fresh weather warnings in place for Sunday after Storm Darragh wreaks havoc (news.sky.com)
128. 如何安排王子與當選總統的會面 How the meeting between the prince and the president-elect would have been arranged (news.sky.com)
129. 在紐約醫療機構首席執行官槍手的揹包中發現 "大富翁錢 ''Monopoly money'' found in backpack of New York health CEO gunman (news.sky.com)
130. 斯塔默將訪問海灣地區,尋求加強與阿聯酋和沙特阿拉伯的經濟和防務關係 Starmer to visit Gulf as he seeks stronger economic and defence ties with UAE and Saudi Arabia (news.sky.com)
131. 巴黎聖母院重新開放,巴黎人慶祝 "城市找回了靈魂 With the reopening of Notre-Dame, Parisians celebrate as ''the city gets its soul back'' (news.sky.com)
133. 如果阿薩德倒臺,將徹底改變這個動盪不安地區的力量格局 If Assad falls, it will utterly change the power dynamics of this troubled, volatile region (news.sky.com)
134. 隨著美國總統換屆,敘利亞衝突帶來了獨特的地緣政治挑戰 With America''s presidential transition, Syria''s conflict presents a unique geopolitical challenge (news.sky.com)
135. 達拉格帶來了接近 100 英里/小時的陣風,但未來的威脅可能不在這裡 Darragh brought gusts of close to 100mph, but the future threat may lie elsewhere (news.sky.com)
136. 威廉王子和唐納德-特朗普在巴黎聖母院大教堂儀式上會面 Prince William and Donald Trump meet at Notre-Dame Cathedral ceremony (news.sky.com)
137. 韓國總統被自己的政黨拯救,抗議者大失所望 Huge disappointment for protesters as South Korean president saved by his own party (news.sky.com)
140. 美國下令在全國範圍內檢測牛奶,以阻止禽流感在奶牛中傳播 US orders nationwide milk testing in bid to stop spread of bird flu in cows (news.sky.com)
141. 即將成為羅馬尼亞總統的政治家抨擊 "腐敗政權 Politician who was on brink of becoming Romanian president attacks ''corrupted regime'' (news.sky.com)
142. 叛軍擴大對敘利亞的控制,阿薩德面臨關鍵城市爭奪戰 Rebel forces expand control in Syria as Assad faces fight for key city (news.sky.com)
144. 荷蘭城市發生爆炸,公寓被毀,數人受傷 Apartments destroyed and several hurt after explosion in Dutch city (news.sky.com)
146. 科學家監測阿拉斯加火山下地震加劇的情況 Scientists monitoring Alaska volcano after rise in earthquakes beneath it (news.sky.com)
147. 哈蘭德與沃爾夫公司(Harland & Wolff)接近與 Navantia 達成政府支持的救援協議 Harland & Wolff close to government-backed rescue deal with Navantia (news.sky.com)
149. 達拉格風暴襲擊英國和愛爾蘭,數百萬人被敦促留在室內 Millions urged to stay inside as Storm Darragh hits UK and Ireland (news.sky.com)
150. 我非常抱歉":韓國總統在宣佈戒嚴幾天後道歉 ''I am very sorry'': South Korea''s president apologises days after declaring martial law (news.sky.com)
151. 特朗普將會見馬克龍和澤連斯基,大教堂重新開放帶來外交機遇 Diplomatic opportunities at cathedral reopening as Trump set to meet Macron and Zelenskyy (news.sky.com)
152. 第一支以色列-巴勒斯坦男孩樂隊準備向世界發起衝擊--然後是 10 月 7 日 The first Israeli-Palestinian boyband was ready to take on the world - then came 7 October (news.sky.com)
153. 修復法國心臟聖母院:"我抹去了恐怖的記憶 Restoring Notre-Dame, the heart of France: ''I''ve erased the horror'' (news.sky.com)
154. 在中央公園發現殺害醫療保險公司老闆的槍手攜帶的揹包 Backpack carried by gunman who killed health insurance boss found in Central Park (news.sky.com)
156. 迪克-範-戴克說他 "不怕 "死亡--因為他即將迎來 99 歲生日 Dick Van Dyke says he''s ''not afraid'' of death - as he approaches 99th birthday (news.sky.com)
157. 騎馬摔死少年的父母獲賠超過 £200m Parents of teen who fell to his death from ride awarded more than £200m (news.sky.com)
159. 首席執行官槍擊案如何引發網上對美國醫療保險的討論 How CEO shooting sparked online debate over US health insurance (news.sky.com)
160. 5 億美元大單簽訂後,火車工廠數百個工作崗位得以保障 Hundreds of jobs secured at train factory after £500m deal (news.sky.com)
161. 什麼是哈瓦那綜合症?美國新報告稱 "外國對手 "可能是神秘疾病的幕後黑手 What is Havana syndrome? New US report says ''foreign adversary'' could be behind mystery illness (news.sky.com)
162. 俄羅斯對羅馬尼亞大選發動 "混合攻擊",一經證實將引發北約回應 Russia''s ''hybrid attack'' on Romanian election could trigger NATO response if proven (news.sky.com)
163. 文斯指責《衛報》老闆與《觀察家報》接觸 "不實 Vince accuses Guardian owner of ''untruth'' over Observer approach (news.sky.com)
165. 韓國令人震驚的一週:民眾感到震驚,總統前途未卜 Shocking week for South Korea with people appalled and president facing uncertain future (news.sky.com)
166. 坎特伯雷大主教對其在上議院的最後演講所造成的傷害表示 "歉意 Archbishop of Canterbury ''sorry'' for hurt caused by his final speech in the Lords (news.sky.com)
169. 無法投資 "的泰晤士河水務公司收到 Covalis Capital 的收購要約 ''Uninvestable'' Thames Water receives buyout offer from Covalis Capital (news.sky.com)
170. 印度農民在首都遊行受阻後與警察發生衝突 India farmers clash with police after march on capital blocked (news.sky.com)
172. 凱米-巴德諾克(Kemi Badenoch)稱,斯塔默的麥當勞笑話如果是保守黨人說的,就會被稱為種族主義笑話 Starmer''s McDonald''s joke would be called racist if made by a Tory, Kemi Badenoch claims (news.sky.com)
174. 敘利亞叛軍逼近中心城市,數千人閃電般逃離 Syrian rebels close in on central city as thousands flee lightning advance (news.sky.com)
175. 羅馬尼亞最高法院宣佈第一輪總統選舉結果無效 Romania''s top court annuls results of first round of presidential election (news.sky.com)
177. 英國廣播公司(BBC)應警方要求推遲公佈蒂姆-韋斯特伍德的報告 BBC delays publishing Tim Westwood report after police request (news.sky.com)
178. 威廉王子將出席巴黎聖母院大教堂重新開放儀式 Prince William to attend Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening in Paris (news.sky.com)
179. 法官裁定 "士兵 F "因兩起 "血色星期天 "謀殺案受審的證據充分 Judge rules sufficient evidence for ''Soldier F'' to stand trial for two Bloody Sunday murders (news.sky.com)
180. 另類療法治療師因婦女在掌摑療法研討會上死亡而入獄 Alternative healer jailed over woman''s death at slapping therapy workshop (news.sky.com)
181. 在新西蘭最高峰失蹤的登山者據信已經死亡 Climbers missing on New Zealand''s highest mountain believed to be dead (news.sky.com)
182. 罕見照片揭示了 1909 年的聖誕老人和蘇格蘭達到零下 27 攝氏度的那一天 Rare photos reveal Father Christmas of 1909 and day Scotland reached -27C (news.sky.com)
183. 諾丁漢襲擊事件後宣佈對謀殺罪量刑進行審查 Murder sentencing review announced in wake of Nottingham attacks (news.sky.com)
184. 衛報》簽署將《觀察家報》出售給 Tortoise Media 的爭議性協議 Guardian signs controversial deal to sell The Observer to Tortoise Media (news.sky.com)
186. 達拉格風暴將帶來時速 90 英里的狂風,發佈紅色天氣預警 Red weather warning issued as Storm Darragh set to bring 90mph winds (news.sky.com)
187. Sabrina Carpenter 將於明年 7 月在英國倫敦海德公園舉辦頭條新聞發佈會 Sabrina Carpenter to headline BST Hyde Park next July (news.sky.com)
189. Direct Line 將接受 Aviva 的甜蜜收購要約 Direct Line set to accept sweetened Aviva takeover bid (news.sky.com)
192. 由於 "全國性故障",英國各地高峰時段列車延誤 Rush hour trains delayed across UK due to ''nationwide fault'' (news.sky.com)
193. 韓國執政黨領袖呼籲暫停總統職務 "以保護國家和人民 South Korea''s ruling party leader calls for suspension of president ''to protect nation and its people'' (news.sky.com)
194. 馬斯克斥資超過 25 億美元幫助特朗普贏得美國大選 Musk spent more than quarter of a billion dollars helping Trump win US election (news.sky.com)
195. 韓國執政黨領袖要求暫停執行未遂戒嚴令的總統職務 South Korea''s ruling party leader calls for suspension of president over martial law attempt (news.sky.com)
196. 追捕殺害醫療保險公司老闆的槍手出現新線索 New clues emerge in hunt for gunman who killed health insurance boss (news.sky.com)
198. 生命和財產風險":英國為應對達拉格風暴發布數十個洪水警報 ''Risk to life and property'': Dozens of flood alerts as UK braces for Storm Darragh (news.sky.com)
201. 人工智能推動假裸體 "爆炸",受害者稱法律失靈 AI driving ''explosion'' of fake nudes as victims say law is failing them (news.sky.com)
202. 斯塔默的票房時刻平淡無奇,但他的表現將受到評判 Starmer''s box office moment fell flat but he''ll be judged on his delivery (news.sky.com)
203. 歐洲首次出現 "殺人大黃蜂",尋找地下巢穴 Hunt for underground nest after ''murder hornets'' seen in Europe for first time (news.sky.com)
205. 俄羅斯 "大幅削弱 "與烏克蘭炮兵相抗衡的能力 Russia''s ability to outmatch Ukrainian artillery ''significantly reduced'' (news.sky.com)
206. 以色列拒絕大赦組織的種族滅絕指控,稱其 "不足為奇 "且是 "假新聞 Israel rejects Amnesty genocide claim as ''no surprise'' and ''fake news'' (news.sky.com)
207. 保守黨聯合主席指責埃隆-馬斯克試圖 "收買 "英國改革委員會 Tory co-chair accuses Elon Musk of trying to ''buy'' Reform UK (news.sky.com)
209. 斯塔默的里程碑是什麼,還缺什麼,實現起來有多容易? What are Starmer''s milestones, what''s missing, and how easy are they to achieve? (news.sky.com)
210. 加利福尼亞州發生 7.0 級地震後發出海嘯警報 Tsunami warning after 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits California (news.sky.com)
211. 法國總理米歇爾-巴尼耶在不信任投票失敗後辭職 French PM Michel Barnier resigns after losing no-confidence vote (news.sky.com)
213. 農民 "陷入困境",投資環保可能會推高遺產稅 Farmers in ''catch-22'' as investing in environment could push up inheritance tax (news.sky.com)
214. 前土壤學家和 TikTok 明星有望成為羅馬尼亞下一任總統 The ex-soil scientist and TikTok star on course to be Romania''s next president (news.sky.com)
215. 紐約警方追捕殺害醫療保健公司高管的兇手,新照片中的嫌犯面帶微笑 Smiling suspect seen in new images as New York police hunt killer of healthcare executive (news.sky.com)
216. 母親被電動自行車撞倒後肇事逃逸,男子被控謀殺 Man charged with murder after mother knocked off e-bike in hit-and-run (news.sky.com)
217. 賈斯汀-韋爾比稱英格蘭教會性虐待醜聞後 "人頭落地 Justin Welby says a ''head had to roll'' after Church of England sexual abuse scandal (news.sky.com)
218. 兩名男子因在倫敦刺傷伊朗記者而在羅馬尼亞受到指控 Two men charged in Romania over stabbing of Iranian journalist in London (news.sky.com)
219. 使命、第一步和里程碑:斯塔默的優先事項自去年以來發生了哪些變化 Missions, first steps and milestones: How Starmer''s priorities have changed since last year (news.sky.com)
220. 敘利亞反政府武裝奪取重要城市哈馬,對阿薩德造成最新打擊 Syrian rebels seize key city of Hama in latest blow for Assad (news.sky.com)
221. 兇手布里安娜-蓋伊質疑刑期的請求被駁回 Brianna Ghey killer has bid to challenge length of sentence dismissed (news.sky.com)
222. 第一部長準備會見在家門口被槍殺的銀行家的家人 First minister prepared to meet family of banker gunned down on doorstep (news.sky.com)
223. 父母對 3 歲兒子的死亡負有罪責,他們將兒子的屍體埋葬在後花園中 Parents guilty over death of son, 3, whose body they buried in back garden (news.sky.com)
224. 自大流行病以來,兒童 "經歷了非正統的學校教育 Children ''experiencing unorthodox schooling'' since pandemic (news.sky.com)
225. 蘇格蘭足球管理機構因 "限制 "青少年交易被舉報至監管機構 Scottish football authorities reported to watchdog over ''restriction'' of youth deals (news.sky.com)
227. 最常見的嬰兒名字揭曉--兩個大片演員是受歡迎程度上升的幕後推手 Most common baby names revealed - with two blockbuster movie actors behind a rise in popularity (news.sky.com)
228. 英國電動汽車市場的表現比你想象的要好 UK''s electric vehicle market is doing better than you might think (news.sky.com)
229. 斯塔默公佈新 "里程碑",但未能減少移民數量 Starmer reveals new ''milestones'' but bringing down migration fails to make list (news.sky.com)
230. 上議院有影響力的小組警告說,英國對再次發生大流行病 "毫無準備 UK ''not prepared'' for another pandemic, warns influential Lords group (news.sky.com)
231. 前蘇格蘭橄欖球隊隊長因違反保釋規定被禁止與分居的妻子聯繫並被罰款 Former Scotland rugby captain banned from contacting estranged wife and fined for breaching bail (news.sky.com)
232. 哈里王子說戴安娜王妃 "希望 "他在美國生活 Prince Harry says life in US is what Princess Diana would have ''wanted'' for him (news.sky.com)
234. 警方突襲後,五名男子因販運人口指控被起訴 Five men charged over human trafficking allegations after police raids (news.sky.com)
235. 泰勒-斯威夫特舉行本年度最盛大的新書發佈會--但粉絲們發現了一個問題 Taylor Swift lands biggest book launch of the year - but fans have noticed a problem (news.sky.com)
236. 聯邦調查局專家稱紐約殺手是 "老練、經驗豐富、訓練有素的專業人士 New York killer ''practised, seasoned, trained professional'', says FBI expert (news.sky.com)
238. 流感住院人數增加 350%以上--英國國家醫療服務系統面臨 "四流行 "問題 More than 350% rise in people hospitalised with flu - as NHS faces ''quad-demic'' (news.sky.com)
239. 達拉風 "來襲,發佈黃色大風警報,陣風預計可達 80 英里/小時 Amber wind warning issued and gusts of up to 80mph expected as Storm Darragh to hit (news.sky.com)
240. 剛果數十人死於神秘疾病,局勢 "極其令人擔憂 Mysterious illness kills dozens in Congo as situation ''extremely worrying'' (news.sky.com)
242. 男子因紐卡斯爾房屋爆炸被起訴,爆炸造成男子和七歲男孩死亡 Man charged over house explosion in Newcastle which killed man and seven-year-old boy (news.sky.com)
243. 奧運盛裝舞步雙料冠軍夏洛特-杜雅爾丹(Charlotte Dujardin)被禁賽一年,原因是出現了鞭打馬匹的視頻 Double Olympic dressage champion Charlotte Dujardin suspended for one year after horse whipping video emerged (news.sky.com)
244. Three-Vodafone 合併獲得有條件批准,英國最大電話網絡由此誕生 UK biggest phone network created as Three-Vodafone merger gets conditional approval (news.sky.com)
245. 仍在逃的 "職業 "殺手的動機仍存疑問 Questions remain over motive of ''professional'' killer still on the run (news.sky.com)
246. 簽證延誤使數百名英國移民的生活陷入困境--即使他們有英國子女也是如此 Visa delays crippling lives of hundreds of UK migrants - even when they have British children (news.sky.com)
247. 比特幣觸及 100,000 美元,特朗普挑選加密貨幣愛好者擔任金融監督機構負責人 Bitcoin hits 100,000 as Trump picks cryptocurrency fan to head financial watchdog (news.sky.com)
248. 韓國反對黨確定就戒嚴令彈劾總統的投票日期 South Korea opposition sets date for impeachment vote against president over martial law (news.sky.com)
250. 金剛 "減肥藥將在首次推廣中向不到 10%的符合條件者提供 ''King Kong'' weight loss drug to be given to less than 10% of eligible people in first rollout (news.sky.com)
251. 首席檢察官表示,強姦和性犯罪案件積壓 "完全不可接受 Rape and sexual offence backlog is ''totally unacceptable,'' chief prosecutor says (news.sky.com)
253. 被 "痴迷 "同事殺害的婦女的父母對保護跟蹤受害者的措施感到 "高興 Parents of woman murdered by ''obsessed'' colleague ''delighted'' by measures to protect stalking victims (news.sky.com)
255. 數十個國家遭受 "中國 "黑客攻擊--美國人被警告停止發送短信 Dozens of nations hit by ''China'' hack - as Americans warned to stop sending texts (news.sky.com)
256. 閉路電視顯示,蒙面男子在紐約致命槍擊案發生前一刻拔槍射擊醫療保健公司老闆 CCTV shows masked man pull gun on healthcare boss moments before fatal NY shooting (news.sky.com)
257. 斯塔默的 "變革計劃"--是什麼,為什麼是現在? Starmer''s ''plan for change'' - what is it and why now? (news.sky.com)
259. 在一場大規模戰爭中,英國軍隊 "將在六個月到一年內遭到毀滅性打擊 British Army ''would be devastated in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
260. 在一場大規模戰爭中,英國軍隊 "將在六個月到一年內消耗殆盡 British Army ''would be depleted in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
261. 法國總理米歇爾-巴尼耶因政府垮臺而輸掉不信任投票 French PM Michel Barnier loses no-confidence vote as government collapses (news.sky.com)
263. 家暴運動人士對理查德-泰斯為踢打女友的改革黨議員辯護感到 "震驚 Domestic abuse campaigners ''appalled'' by Richard Tice''s defence of Reform MP who kicked girlfriend (news.sky.com)
264. 卡塔爾首相:特朗普上臺前希望達成加沙停火協議 Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal by the time he takes power - Qatari PM (news.sky.com)
265. 英國廣播公司主持人為未申報£14.5萬收入道歉 BBC presenter apologises for not declaring £145k in earnings (news.sky.com)
267. 警方尋找在皇家公園追逐並致命襲擊鹿的狗的主人 Police searching for owner of dog that chased and fatally attacked deer in royal park (news.sky.com)
268. 有記錄以來,男性預期壽命最低的地區首次發生變化 Area with lowest male life expectancy changes for first time since records began (news.sky.com)
270. 英國調查人員搗毀了幫助藏匿數十億美元毒品、勒索軟件和間諜活動的俄羅斯網絡 Brit investigators smash Russian networks that helped hide billions in drugs, ransomware and spying operations (news.sky.com)
272. 廚藝大師》聯合主持人約翰-託羅德(John Torode)表示,格雷格-華萊士的指控 "確實令人不安"。 Gregg Wallace allegations ''truly upsetting'', says MasterChef co-host John Torode (news.sky.com)
273. 英國央行行長擔心預算案對企業和特朗普迴歸的影響 Bank of England governor frets over impact of budget on businesses and Trump''s return (news.sky.com)
274. 特朗普考慮讓羅恩-德桑蒂斯出任國防部長--因為目前的人選面臨爭議 Trump considering Ron DeSantis for defence secretary - as current pick faces controversy (news.sky.com)
275. 在首爾街頭,韓國因總統的高風險行為而陷入困境 On Seoul''s streets, South Korea is reeling from president''s high-risk antics (news.sky.com)
276. 蘇格蘭民族黨公佈來年計劃,蘇格蘭預算草案正在編制中 Scottish draft budget under way as SNP reveal plans for the coming year (news.sky.com)
277. 英國部長稱以色列阻止醫療援助和重要物資運抵加沙 Israel preventing medical aid and vital supplies from reaching Gaza, says UK minister (news.sky.com)
278. 英國各地發佈暴雨天氣警告,陣風最高達 80 英里/小時 Weather warnings issued for heavy rain and gusts of up to 80mph across UK (news.sky.com)
279. 提高監獄容量的計劃可能 "額外耗資 40 億美元",並缺少數千個牢房空間 Plan to boost prison capacity could ''cost £4bn extra'' and be short thousands of cell spaces (news.sky.com)
280. 81 歲男子被控謀殺,65 歲老人遭 "嚴重襲擊 "後死亡 Man, 81, charged with murder as 65-year-old dies after being ''seriously assaulted'' (news.sky.com)
281. 國泰航空就機上 "蓋伊家庭 "節目提及天安門廣場一事道歉 Cathay Pacific apologises over inflight Family Guy episode referencing Tiananmen Square (news.sky.com)
282. 在一場大規模戰爭中,英國軍隊 "將在六個月到一年內被摧毀 British Army ''would be destroyed in six months to a year'' in a major war (news.sky.com)
284. 母親因 "邪惡 "娃娃包裝上印有色情網站而起訴美泰公司 Mother sues Mattel over porn website printed on Wicked doll packaging (news.sky.com)
285. 冬季流感病例 "迅速上升",學齡兒童受影響最嚴重 Cases of winter flu ''rising rapidly'' with school-aged children worst affected (news.sky.com)
286. 馬克-蓋希不會因隊長袖標上的 "耶穌 "字樣受到正式處罰 Marc Guehi to face no formal action over ''Jesus'' message on captain''s armband (news.sky.com)
287. 殺人犯將對槍殺和持刀肆虐的定罪和判刑提出上訴 Murderer to appeal conviction and sentence for shooting and stabbing spree (news.sky.com)
288. 傷心欲絕 "的家人悼念被車撞死的 "愛子 ''Heartbroken'' family pay tribute to ''beloved son'' fatally hit by car (news.sky.com)
289. 記者就出售《觀察家報》的提議舉行 48 小時罷工 Journalists stage 48-hour strike over proposed sale of Observer newspaper (news.sky.com)
290. 家人悼念在車禍中喪生的前英聯邦運動會鐵人三項運動員 Family pay tribute to former Commonwealth Games triathlete who died in crash (news.sky.com)
294. 平均房價為£44萬的集鎮被評為最幸福的居住地--您所在的小鎮進入前20名了嗎? Market town with average house price of £440k named happiest place to live - does your town make top 20? (news.sky.com)
296. 備忘錄顯示 BBC 去年就知道華萊士有 "不可接受 "的行為 Memo reveals BBC knew about ''unacceptable'' behaviour from Wallace last year (news.sky.com)
297. 露西-萊特比因更多嬰兒死亡和倒塌事件在獄中接受採訪 Lucy Letby interviewed in prison over more baby deaths and collapses (news.sky.com)
298. 駕考老闆 "欺壓考官對學員手下留情,以減少 COVID 積壓"。 Driving test bosses ''bullying examiners to be lenient with learners to reduce COVID backlog'' (news.sky.com)
299. 烏克蘭的情況有多糟?戰爭會蔓延到歐洲嗎?現在停火對基輔有利嗎? 已回答的問題 How bad are things for Ukraine? Could the war spread to Europe? Would a ceasefire benefit Kyiv now? Your questions answered (news.sky.com)
300. 前軍情六處處長警告:俄羅斯對英國網絡基礎設施的攻擊將成為 "我們生活的特徵 Russian attacks on UK cyberinfrastructure will be ''feature of our life'', former MI6 chief warns (news.sky.com)