1. 英国改革委员会承诺举行 "现代政治史上最大规模的集会"--但结果却差强人意 Reform UK promised ''biggest rally in modern political history'' - but it didn''t come close (news.sky.com)
2. 剑德-万斯在格陵兰感受到了寒冷,但他对欧洲盟友却没有温暖的话语 JD Vance felt the cold in Greenland but he had no warm words for European allies (news.sky.com)
5. 地震引发混乱,曼谷猝不及防 Bangkok felt like a city caught off guard when chaos erupted with earthquake (news.sky.com)
6. 特朗普称美国 "需要 "格陵兰岛后,万斯在访问格陵兰期间抨击丹麦 Vance hits out at Denmark during Greenland visit after Trump says US ''needs'' the island (news.sky.com)
8. 数十人在地震中丧生,100 人在摩天大楼倒塌后失踪 Dozens killed in earthquake - with 100 missing after skyscraper collapse (news.sky.com)
9. 谁是 MAGA 最积极的忠实拥护者马乔里-泰勒-格林? Who is MAGA''s most aggressive loyalist Marjorie Taylor Greene? (news.sky.com)
10. 男子因在苏格兰特朗普高尔夫球场破坏他人财产而被起诉 Man charged over vandalism at Trump golf course in Scotland (news.sky.com)
11. 发现被倾倒的军事文件后将采取 "适当行动 ''Appropriate action'' will be taken following discovery of dumped military documents (news.sky.com)
13. 地震目击者描述:"一栋五层高的楼房在我面前倒塌了 Eyewitnesses describe earthquake: ''A five-storey building collapsed in front of me'' (news.sky.com)
14. 为什么说国王对癌症治疗的公开态度是对过去的巨大改变? Why King''s openness on cancer treatment is huge step change from past (news.sky.com)
15. 在特朗普征收关税之际,英国首相称英国国家利益 "必须放在首位 PM says UK national interest ''must come first'' amid Trump tariffs (news.sky.com)
16. WH Smith 将成为最新一家消失的高街巨头–;还有哪些? WH Smith to become latest high street giant to disappear – what are the others? (news.sky.com)
17. 死因调查裁定,前空军飞行员在高速公路迎面撞车事故中自杀并导致四人死亡 Suicidal ex-RAF pilot took own life and killed four in head-on motorway crash, inquest rules (news.sky.com)
18. 在海滩袭击中杀害陌生人的犯罪学学生被判入狱至少 39 年 Criminology student who murdered stranger in beach attack jailed for at least 39 years (news.sky.com)
19. 以色列自达成停火协议以来首次袭击贝鲁特 Israel strikes Beirut for first time since ceasefire deal agreed (news.sky.com)
20. 前巴塞罗那足球运动员在上诉后被西班牙法院判定强奸罪名不成立 Former Barcelona footballer cleared of rape by Spanish court after appealing conviction (news.sky.com)
21. 特朗普通过行政命令打击美国顶级博物馆的 "不当意识形态 Trump targets ''improper ideology'' of top US museums with executive order (news.sky.com)
22. 谋杀养老金领取者并肢解其尸体的男子被判终身监禁 Man who murdered pensioner and dismembered his body jailed for life (news.sky.com)
23. 俄罗斯和美国开发北极的威胁是欧洲面临的又一挑战 Threat of Russia and America exploiting the Arctic another challenge for Europe (news.sky.com)
24. 自癌症治疗产生副作用以来,国王首次公开露面 King seen in public for first time since suffering side effects from cancer treatment (news.sky.com)
25. 切尔西老板伯利与蒙哥马利就《每日电讯报》的收购进行谈判 Chelsea owner Boehly and Montgomery in talks about Daily Telegraph bid (news.sky.com)
26. 在与北海油轮相撞中受损的集装箱船抵达苏格兰 Container ship damaged in crash with North Sea oil tanker arrives in Scotland (news.sky.com)
28. 量刑委员会在 "两级 "批评声中拒绝司法部长要求重新考虑指导原则的呼吁 Sentencing Council rejects justice secretary''s calls for guidance rethink amid ''two-tier'' criticism (news.sky.com)
29. 普京警告美国威胁接管格陵兰岛并非 "奢谈",JD-万斯和妻子即将抵达格陵兰岛 JD Vance and wife due in Greenland as Putin warns US threat to take over not ''extravagant talk'' (news.sky.com)
32. 缅甸发生强烈地震,疏散人员远至曼谷 Strong earthquake hits Myanmar, prompting evacuations as far away as Bangkok (news.sky.com)
33. 住房无保障的儿童 "通过 GCSE 考试的可能性较小 Children facing housing insecurity ''less likely to pass GCSEs'' (news.sky.com)
35. 尽管投资达 10 亿美元,港口巨头仍被部长 "抹黑 Port giant ''discredited'' by minister despite £1bn investment (news.sky.com)
37. 政府计划释放监狱空间,暴力罪犯可提前获释 Violent offenders could be let out early in government plan to free up prison space (news.sky.com)
38. 加沙孤儿失去了一切--甚至失去了成长的梦想 Gaza''s orphans have lost everything - even the dream of growing up (news.sky.com)
39. 英国首相宣布投入 20 亿美元改善交通,以阻止北部地区被过时的系统 "勒索"。 PM unveils £2bn transport boost to stop North being ''held ransom'' by outdated system (news.sky.com)
41. 本周末时钟前进--但夏令时是否应该取消? Clocks go forward this weekend - but should daylight savings be scrapped? (news.sky.com)
42. 如果大众汽车消失,人们就不会再留在镇上"--对特朗普汽车关税的担忧 ''If VW disappears, people won''t stay in the town anymore'' - fears over Trump''s car tariffs (news.sky.com)
43. 大使称 "等待 "声波武器指控调查结果 ''Wait for results'' of investigation into sonic weapon claims, ambassador says (news.sky.com)
44. 英国科学家称极地漩涡与致命风暴有关 Swirling polar vortex linked to deadly storms, say UK scientists (news.sky.com)
45. 内阁部长称特朗普对改变安全形势有 "重大影响 Trump had ''big effect'' on changing security landscape, cabinet minister says (news.sky.com)
46. 被停职外科医生做了 17 次手术的女孩的母亲担心她可能再也不能走路了 Mum of girl operated on 17 times by now-suspended surgeon fears she may never walk again (news.sky.com)
48. 国王因癌症治疗而 "出现暂时性副作用 King ''experiences temporary side effects'' from cancer treatment (news.sky.com)
49. 法拉奇在 NatWest 银行拆借战结束后抨击大公司中的 "觉醒病毒 Farage attacks ''woke virus'' in big companies after end of NatWest debanking battle (news.sky.com)
50. 在乌克兰峰会上,新措辞被要求付诸行动,但缺乏真正的明确性 New phrase called into action at Ukraine summit but it lacked real clarity (news.sky.com)
51. 一名妇女因涉嫌跟踪马德琳-麦肯的家人而被起诉 Woman charged over alleged stalking of Madeleine McCann''s family (news.sky.com)
52. 英国广播公司记者 "在土耳其被关押 17 小时后被驱逐出境 BBC correspondent ''deported from Turkey after being held for 17 hours'' (news.sky.com)
53. 春季声明如何?三位专家对关键政策领域做出评判 How was the spring statement? Three experts give their verdicts on key policy areas (news.sky.com)
56. 英国温室气体排放量再次下降--可再生能源比例首次达到 50 UK greenhouse gases fall again - as renewables hit 50% for the first time (news.sky.com)
57. 大量污水仍被倾倒在英格兰河流中,令人 "羞愧难当 ''Disgraceful'' amount of sewage still being dumped in English rivers (news.sky.com)
58. 工党的失败为改革铺平了道路",科尔宾警告斯塔默 ''Labour''s failure paving way for Reform'', Corbyn warns Starmer (news.sky.com)
60. 在调查特朗普高尔夫球场破坏事件中,75 岁男子和 66 岁女子被捕 Man, 75, and woman, 66, arrested in probe into vandalism at Trump golf course (news.sky.com)
61. 土耳其学生因 "支持哈马斯 "被蒙面美国特工拘留 Turkish student detained by masked US agents for ''supporting Hamas'' (news.sky.com)
62. 马克龙宣布成立 "再保证部队",欧洲盟国在乌克兰武装部署问题上意见不一 European allies not united on armed deployment in Ukraine as Macron announces ''reassurance force'' (news.sky.com)
64. 天空电视台宣布 2,000 个客户服务中心职位面临风险 Sky announces 2,000 customer service centre jobs at risk (news.sky.com)
66. 可可价格上涨让消费者为更小的复活节彩蛋买单 Cocoa price rise leaves bad taste for consumers paying more for smaller Easter eggs (news.sky.com)
67. 一名男子因涉嫌谋杀而被捕,他在驾驶员发生争执后被另一名驾驶员撞倒 Man arrested on suspicion of murder after motorist struck by another driver following row (news.sky.com)
68. 旅游潜水艇在埃及附近海域沉没,六人死亡,数十人获救 Six dead and dozens rescued after tourist submarine sinks off Egypt (news.sky.com)
69. 停止石油 "组织结束直接行动,不再向油画泼汤 Just Stop Oil will no longer throw soup at paintings as it ends direct action (news.sky.com)
70. 在家人的 "不懈 "努力下,忍者剑将被禁用 Ninja swords to be banned after family''s ''relentless'' campaign (news.sky.com)
73. 苏格兰政府部长克里斯蒂娜-麦凯尔维去世,享年 57 岁 Scottish government minister Christina McKelvie dies aged 57 (news.sky.com)
74. 英国钢铁公司就倒闭问题咨询工会,数以千计的工作岗位岌岌可危 Thousands of jobs at risk as British Steel consults unions over closure (news.sky.com)
75. 软件供应商因勒索软件攻击影响英国国家医疗服务系统而被罚款 £3m Software provider fined £3m over ransomware attack that hit NHS services (news.sky.com)
76. 被警察追赶的汽车撞死一名妇女,两名少年被捕 Two teenagers arrested after woman dies in crash involving car being chased by police (news.sky.com)
77. 韩国与史上最严重野火搏斗,至少 27 人丧生 At least 27 killed as South Korea battles its worst ever wildfires (news.sky.com)
78. 反对派领导人被拘留,世界上最年轻国家内战再起的警告不绝于耳 Opposition leader detained amid warnings of renewed civil war in world''s youngest country (news.sky.com)
79. 里夫斯表示,英国不想 "升级 "特朗普的贸易战 UK does not want to ''escalate'' Trump''s trade wars, says Reeves (news.sky.com)
80. 发电机故障导致医院停电 "应成为警钟 Hospital blackout after generator failure ''should serve as a wake-up call'' (news.sky.com)
81. 社区不安地意识到政府削减福利对最贫困人口的打击最大 A community with an uneasy sense the poorest will be hit hardest by government''s welfare cuts (news.sky.com)
82. 威廉王子会见克拉克森农场明星,讨论该行业面临的挑战 Prince William meets Clarkson''s Farm star to discuss challenges the industry is facing (news.sky.com)
83. 马克龙称俄罗斯 "重新解释 "黑海停火协议 Russia ''reinterpreting'' agreements in Black Sea ceasefire talks, Macron says (news.sky.com)
84. 受托人称哈里王子慈善机构的不当行为 "令人惊讶 Misconduct claims at Prince Harry charity ''a surprise'', says trustee (news.sky.com)
85. 研究警告:削减外援将导致艾滋病死亡和感染人数上升 HIV deaths and infections will rise as a result of foreign aid cuts, study warns (news.sky.com)
86. 诋毁信使而非关注信息是特朗普白宫的当务之急 Discrediting the messenger, rather than focusing on the message is order of day for Trump White House (news.sky.com)
88. 财政大臣春季声明中的艰难决定可能仅仅是个开始 Chancellor''s difficult decisions in spring statement could just be the start (news.sky.com)
89. 美军称在立陶宛搜寻失踪美军士兵时发现车辆 Vehicle found in hunt for American soldiers missing in Lithuania, US army says (news.sky.com)
90. 北约负责人称四名在立陶宛失踪的美军士兵已死亡 Four US soldiers missing in Lithuania have died, NATO chief says (news.sky.com)
91. 在总理的春季讲话之后,我们或多或少又回到了起点 After chancellor''s spring statement we end more or less where we began (news.sky.com)
92. 英国钢铁公司的中国所有者拒绝了 £5 亿美元的政府援助提议 British Steel''s Chinese owner rejects £500m government aid offer (news.sky.com)
96. 外科医生进行世界首例猪-人肝脏移植手术 Surgeons carry out world''s first pig-to-human liver transplant (news.sky.com)
97. 大学将就变性人言论自由案的 £585,000 美元罚款提出异议 University to challenge £585,000 fine over transgender free speech case (news.sky.com)
98. 预算计算器:看看春季账单后您的财务状况有何变化 Budget calculator: See how your finances have changed after spring statement (news.sky.com)
99. 不确定性 "一词在英国公共财政独立评估中出现了 50 多次 Word ''uncertainty'' features 50 times in independent assessment of UK public finances (news.sky.com)
100. 出租车司机因在少女夜归途中对其实施性侵犯而入狱 Taxi driver jailed for sexually assaulting teenager on her way home from night out (news.sky.com)
102. 美国似乎正在大幅增加其在中东的军事存在 US appears to be significantly increasing its military presence in the Middle East (news.sky.com)
104. 英国首相称,OBR 下调了英国 2025 年的经济增长预测,但上调了议会剩余时间的经济增长预测 OBR slashes UK growth forecast for 2025 but upgrades it for rest of parliament, chancellor says (news.sky.com)
105. 大西洋》杂志发表更多关于战争计划的群聊文本 Atlantic magazine publishes more texts from group chat on war plans (news.sky.com)
108. 阿尔巴党新领导人誓言 "实现独立梦想 New Alba Party leader vows to ''deliver dream of independence'' (news.sky.com)
110. 很明显,特朗普希望通过取消部分制裁将普京从贱民变为伙伴 Crystal clear Trump wants to turn Putin from pariah to partner with lifting of some sanctions (news.sky.com)
111. 在历史悠久的格拉斯哥码头建造数百座新住宅的计划获得批准 Plans approved for hundreds of new homes at historic Glasgow docks (news.sky.com)
112. 四月每项家庭支出都在上涨--以及您如何应对涨价 Every household bill rising in April - and how you can beat the hikes (news.sky.com)
113. 新生儿被发现死于教堂外,警方提供最新情况 Police give update after newborn baby found dead outside church (news.sky.com)
114. 呼吁调查针对塞尔维亚和平抗议者使用非法声波武器的指控 Calls for probe into claims illegal sonic weapon used against peaceful protesters in Serbia (news.sky.com)
115. 天空新闻》纪录片披露,雅兹迪妇女仍在 ISIS 拘留营中遭受奴役 Yazidi women still enslaved in ISIS detention camps, Sky News documentary reveals (news.sky.com)
116. JD Vance 宣布前往格陵兰岛,指责丹麦 "长期以来 "对该岛视而不见 JD Vance announces trip to Greenland and accuses Denmark of ignoring island ''for far too long'' (news.sky.com)
117. 英国有史以来最大的彩票大奖揭晓 - 本周开奖 UK''s biggest ever lottery jackpot announced - with draw this week (news.sky.com)
118. 大学在言论自由案中被处以创纪录的 £585,000 美元罚款 University fined record £585,000 in free speech case (news.sky.com)
119. 绝密丑闻:战争计划泄露对特朗普政府的危害有多大? Top secret scandal: How damaging is the war plan leak to Trump administration? (news.sky.com)
120. 辅助死亡技术推广可能至少推迟到 2029 年,前景堪忧 Assisted dying in doubt as rollout could be delayed until at least 2029 (news.sky.com)
121. 史上最严重 "野火肆虐韩国,造成至少 18 人死亡 ''Worst ever'' wildfires rage in South Korea, killing at least 18 people (news.sky.com)
123. 萨拉-埃弗拉德的父母罕见地发表声明,呼吁加重刑罚 Sarah Everard''s parents issue rare statement calling for tougher sentences (news.sky.com)
124. 哈里王子 "震惊 "退出为纪念戴安娜而设立的慈善机构 Prince Harry ''in shock'' as he quits charity that he set up in honour of Diana (news.sky.com)
126. 预计里夫斯将在春季声明中宣布进一步削减福利 Reeves expected to announce further welfare cuts in spring statement (news.sky.com)
127. 在奶牛遭到致命袭击后,死因调查听说农场主不会面临过失杀人指控 Farmer will not face manslaughter charges after fatal cow attack, inquest hears (news.sky.com)
129. 春季声明:里夫斯可以做出削减开支的决定,暂时不会造成太大影响--但更糟的情况可能会出现 Spring statement: Reeves can make decisions on cuts without too much fallout for now - but worse could come (news.sky.com)
132. 北海撞船事故中的集装箱船将被拖往苏格兰 Container ship involved in North Sea crash to be towed to Scotland (news.sky.com)
133. 科尔宾称削减福利是 "耻辱",并表示许多工党议员感到 "不安 Corbyn brands benefit cuts a ''disgrace'' and says many Labour MPs are ''upset'' (news.sky.com)
134. 英国财政状况一如既往地紧张,但春季声明的重点将有所不同 UK''s fiscal position as tight as ever but expect a different focus in spring statement (news.sky.com)
135. 监督机构称绿洲乐队歌迷可能被误导,要求 Ticketmaster 做出改变 Oasis fans may have been misled, watchdog says as it calls for Ticketmaster changes (news.sky.com)
138. 国王和王后因教皇养病推迟对梵蒂冈的国事访问 King and Queen''s state visit to Vatican postponed as Pope recovers from illness, palace says (news.sky.com)
139. 必胜客特许经营商被控 "偷窃工资",工人举行抗议活动 Pizza Hut franchisee accused of ''wage theft'' as workers stage protest (news.sky.com)
140. 法官称,偷走帕丁顿熊雕像的英国皇家空军工程师与他所代表的一切 "背道而驰 RAF engineers who stole Paddington Bear statue ''antithesis'' of everything he stands for, judge says (news.sky.com)
141. 前足球运动员乔伊-巴顿被判殴打妻子罪名成立 Former footballer Joey Barton found guilty of assaulting wife (news.sky.com)
144. 警方不再将导致希思罗机场关闭的火灾视为 "潜在刑事案件 Police no longer treating fire that shut Heathrow Airport as ''potentially criminal matter'' (news.sky.com)
146. 新民调显示,JD Vance 在英国人中的受欢迎程度甚至不如唐纳德-特朗普 JD Vance even less popular with Brits than Donald Trump, new polls shows (news.sky.com)
148. 尽管特朗普官员泄露了群聊内容,但美国国务院仍坚称对与美国共享情报充满信心 No 10 insists it is confident over intelligence sharing with US despite Trump officials'' group chat leak (news.sky.com)
149. 马恩岛将成为英伦三岛首个将协助死亡合法化的岛屿 Isle of Man to become first of British Isles to legalise assisted dying (news.sky.com)
150. 在蕾切尔-里夫斯削减开支之前,政府各部门正在实施自愿退出计划 Voluntary exit schemes underway across government departments ahead of Rachel Reeves'' spending cuts (news.sky.com)
151. 被羞辱的橄榄球明星被敦促不要再因家暴定罪而感到 "难堪 Shamed rugby star urged to stop feeling ''hard done by'' over domestic abuse conviction (news.sky.com)
152. 随着埃隆-马斯克的反弹加剧,特斯拉在欧洲的销量下滑 40 Tesla sales slump 40% across Europe as Elon Musk backlash grows (news.sky.com)
153. 青少年中性暴力的增加 "非常令人担忧"--部长 ''Really concerning'' rise in sexual violence among teens - minister (news.sky.com)
154. 虐待狂、性虐待和自残:男孩们争相施虐的网络帮派内幕 Sadism, sexual abuse and self-harm: Inside the online gangs where boys compete to be cruel (news.sky.com)
155. 医院审查儿科外科医生手术的 800 名患者的病例 Hospital reviewing cases of 800 patients operated on by paediatric surgeon (news.sky.com)
156. 世界田径运动会将对女运动员进行强制性性别检测 World Athletics to introduce mandatory sex testing for female competitions (news.sky.com)
157. 杰勒德-德帕迪约承认 "俄罗斯天性",但否认性侵犯 Gerard Depardieu acknowledges ''Russian nature'' but denies sexual assault (news.sky.com)
158. 威尔士山谷枪击案:女子胸部中弹身亡 Woman died after ''gunshot wound to the chest'' in Welsh Valleys shooting (news.sky.com)
159. 母亲因 "对孩子使用电击狗项圈 "被捕 Mother arrested for ''using electric shock dog collar on child'' (news.sky.com)
160. 塞普-布拉特和米歇尔-普拉蒂尼在瑞士洗脱欺诈指控 Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini cleared of fraud charges in Switzerland (news.sky.com)
161. 可悲的欧洲自由化":泄露的群聊内容 ''Pathetic European free-loading'': What was said in leaked group chat (news.sky.com)
163. 内政部取消酒店公司收容寻求庇护者的合同 Home Office cancels hotel company''s contract to house asylum seekers (news.sky.com)
164. 财政大臣宣布的£20亿计划将在英格兰各地建造数千套新住宅 Thousands of new homes to be built across England in £2bn plan announced by chancellor (news.sky.com)
165. 第 65 天:记者是如何收到美国的私人战争计划的? Day 65: How was a journalist sent the US''s private war plans? (news.sky.com)
166. 艺术家为何抵制标志性场馆因特朗普做出的改变 Why artists are boycotting iconic venue over changes made by Trump (news.sky.com)
167. 慈善机构表示,农民人数激增已到了危机关头--威廉王子呼吁为陷入困境的农民 "大声疾呼"。 Surge in farmers at crisis point, says charity - as Prince William urged to ''speak up'' for those struggling (news.sky.com)
169. 夜空中出现发光螺旋--专家分享可能的原因 Glowing spiral appears in night sky - as experts share likely cause (news.sky.com)
170. 公布对公众健康构成最大风险的 "优先病原体 "名单 List of ''priority pathogens'' that pose greatest risk to public health is published (news.sky.com)
171. 袭击造成包括儿童在内的数十人受伤,俄罗斯被指责 "空洞 "和谈 Russia accused of ''hollow'' peace talks as strike injures dozens including children (news.sky.com)
172. 能闻到帕金森病气味的妇女描述了她意识到丈夫患有帕金森病的那一刻 Woman who can smell Parkinson''s disease describes moment she realised her husband had it (news.sky.com)
173. 活动人士称,奥斯卡获奖电影制片人遭殴打后被以色列军方拘留 Oscar-winning filmmaker detained by Israeli military after being beaten up, say activists (news.sky.com)
175. 特朗普助手在信息应用程序上讨论战争计划被抨击为 "业余时间 Trump aides discussing war plans on messaging app lambasted as ''amateur hour'' (news.sky.com)
176. 美国轰炸胡塞武装的计划在群聊中意外分享给美国记者 US plan to bomb Houthis accidentally shared with American journalist in group chat (news.sky.com)
177. 法国演员杰拉尔-德帕迪约性侵案开庭内幕 Inside the court as sexual assault trial of French actor Gerard Depardieu begins (news.sky.com)
179. 土耳其总统在主要竞争对手被捕引发大规模抗议后批评反对党 Turkey''s president criticises opposition party after mass protests over his main rival''s arrest (news.sky.com)
180. 莫里森关闭咖啡馆、肉类柜台和便利店,数百人面临裁员风险 Hundreds at risk of redundancy as Morrisons closes cafes, meat counters and convenience stores (news.sky.com)
181. 英国首相透露,他已就 Netflix 戏剧中提出的问题与前英格兰队主帅取得联系 PM reveals he''s been in touch with ex-England boss about issues raised in Netflix drama (news.sky.com)
183. 死因调查听证:流浪者被牛撞飞后丧生 Rambler killed after cattle flipped him into air, inquest hears (news.sky.com)
185. 曼联女学生球迷举行葬礼,她在运动场上被车撞死 Funeral held for schoolgirl Manchester United fan who died after being struck by car on sports pitch (news.sky.com)
186. 水晶宫前锋恐怖受伤后获准复出 Crystal Palace striker given all-clear to return after horror injury (news.sky.com)
187. 迪斯尼真人版《白雪公主》尽管饱受争议,仍荣登票房榜首 Disney''s live-action Snow White tops box office despite controversy (news.sky.com)
189. 首相称男性部长 "不是解决"《青春期》中提出的 "男孩问题 "的答案 PM says minister for men ''not the answer'' to ''problem with boys'' raised in Adolescence (news.sky.com)
190. 对持续不断的帮派争斗进行重大调查,这些争斗导致城市街道上的房产被烧毁、枪击事件频发 Major investigation into ongoing gang feud which has seen properties firebombed and shots fired in city streets (news.sky.com)
191. 乌克兰战争停火谈判在沙特阿拉伯开始,俄罗斯继续发动攻击 Ukraine war ceasefire talks begin in Saudi Arabia as Russia continues attacks (news.sky.com)
192. 真正最糟糕的":特朗普要求撤下 "故意歪曲 "的肖像画 ''Truly the worst'': Trump demands removal of ''purposefully distorted'' portrait (news.sky.com)
193. 三人谋杀塞科利塔斯抢劫团伙成员的阴谋罪名成立 Three guilty of plot to murder £54m Securitas heist gang member (news.sky.com)
194. 禽流感在可能引发另一场大流行的病毒名单中名列榜首--因此当局高度警惕 Bird flu tops list of viruses likely to cause another pandemic - so authorities on high alert (news.sky.com)
195. 特朗普为何想接管格陵兰岛--他真的能做到吗? Why does Trump want to take over Greenland - and could he actually do it? (news.sky.com)
198. 银行和 Which? 联合要求科技巨头采取反欺诈行动 Banks and Which? unite to demand fraud action from tech giants (news.sky.com)
201. 俄罗斯继续攻击乌克兰,利雅得开始停火谈判 Ceasefire talks begin in Riyadh as Russia continues attacks on Ukraine (news.sky.com)
202. 演员杰拉尔-德帕迪约(Gerard Depardieu)为何受审? Why is actor Gerard Depardieu on trial – and what does it mean for #MeToo in France? (news.sky.com)
204. JD Vance 的妻子率领高规格美国团队访问格陵兰 JD Vance''s wife leads high-profile US team on Greenland visit (news.sky.com)
205. 他教会我尊重女性法国强奸犯之子重温发现父亲是个操控狂的那一刻 ''He taught me to respect women'': Son of French rapist relives moment he discovered father was a manipulative monster (news.sky.com)
207. 国家电网老板称,尽管希思罗机场关闭,但仍有 "足够的电力 "供应 National Grid boss claims Heathrow had ''enough power'' despite shutdown (news.sky.com)
208. 第三名与格拉斯哥男童之死有关的青少年被起诉 Third teenager charged in connection with Glasgow schoolboy''s death (news.sky.com)
209. 议会被告知:证明你修补了多少坑洞,否则将损失现金 Prove how many potholes you''ve fixed or lose cash, councils told (news.sky.com)
211. 总统主要竞争对手入狱后,土耳其抗议者在集会中遭遇催泪瓦斯和橡皮子弹袭击 Turkey protesters met with tear gas and rubber bullets at rallies after president''s main rival jailed (news.sky.com)
213. 加拿大总理呼吁举行临时大选,誓言唐纳德-特朗普不会 "击垮我们 Canadian PM vows Donald Trump will not ''break us'' as he calls snap election (news.sky.com)
214. 教皇选择了菲亚特而非直升机,并在非凡的回国之旅中两次改道 Pope chose Fiat over helicopter and made two diversions on extraordinary journey home (news.sky.com)
215. 教皇在阳台露面后,教皇地位显然将一去不复返 After Pope''s balcony appearance, it''s clear the papacy will never be the same again (news.sky.com)
216. 财政大臣表示,公务员系统将裁减 10,000 个职位--她希望削减£20 亿成本 Civil service to axe 10,000 jobs, chancellor says - as she eyes cutting £2bn in costs (news.sky.com)
217. 蕾切尔-里夫斯(Rachel Reeves)在准备公布数十亿美元的削减计划时站出来抗争 Rachel Reeves is coming out fighting as she prepares to unveil billions in cuts (news.sky.com)
218. 特朗普特使驳斥斯塔默的乌克兰计划是 "装腔作势和摆设 Trump envoy dismisses Starmer''s Ukraine plan as a ''posture and a pose'' (news.sky.com)
219. 和谈前俄罗斯无人机袭击乌克兰造成至少七人死亡 At least seven killed in Russian drone attacks on Ukraine ahead of peace talks (news.sky.com)
220. 哈马斯高级领导人在以色列对加沙南部的空袭中丧生 Senior Hamas leader killed in Israeli airstrike on southern Gaza (news.sky.com)
221. 教皇方济各在度过生命危险后离开医院 Pope Francis leaves hospital after surviving life-threatening illness (news.sky.com)
222. 土耳其总统埃尔多安的主要竞争对手正式被捕入狱候审 Turkish president Erdogan''s main rival formally arrested and jailed pending trial (news.sky.com)
223. 大多数议会将对第二套住房征收双倍税--是 "赤裸裸的抢钱 "还是还不够? Second homes to be taxed double by most councils - a ''naked cash grab'' or not far enough? (news.sky.com)
224. 到 2030 年,英国平均每个家庭每年将减少"£1400 美元"。 Average UK family could be ''£1,400 a year'' poorer by 2030 (news.sky.com)
225. 如果美国征收关税,南非柑橘农场的数万个工作岗位将面临风险 Tens of thousands of jobs on South Africa''s citrus farms at risk if US imposes tariffs (news.sky.com)
226. 凶手杀害儿子八个月后仍逍遥法外,母亲只能 "望洋兴叹" ; Mother left ''looking over shoulder'' as son''s killer still walking free eight months after murder (news.sky.com)
227. 简-奥斯汀的经典作品不断被改编--但 "坏小子 "达西先生对 Z 世代还有吸引力吗? Jane Austen classic keeps being adapted - but does ''bad lad'' Mr Darcy still do it for Gen Z? (news.sky.com)
228. 公务员将被勒令削减£20亿--因为里夫斯排除了下周加税的可能性 Civil service to be ordered to cut £2bn - as Reeves rules out tax rises next week (news.sky.com)
229. 唐纳德-特朗普执政即将满 100 天--他的反对派立场如何? Donald Trump will soon mark 100 days in power - where does his opposition stand? (news.sky.com)
230. 伊斯坦布尔市长--埃尔多安的主要挑战者--出庭,抗议活动席卷土耳其 Protests sweep Turkey as Istanbul mayor - key challenger to Erdogan - appears in court (news.sky.com)
231. 南非航展上飞机失控,飞行员死亡 Pilot dies after plane spirals out of control at air show in South Africa (news.sky.com)
232. 以色列在四个月来最激烈的交火中袭击黎巴嫩,"至少六人死亡 ''At least six dead'' as Israel strikes Lebanon in heaviest exchange of fire in four months (news.sky.com)
233. 马斯克访问五角大楼后,美国国防人员可能面临测谎,以调查泄密事件 US defence staff could face lie detector tests in probe into leaks after Musk Pentagon visit (news.sky.com)
234. 抗议活动愈演愈烈,被拘留的伊斯坦布尔市长面临第二天的质询 Detained Istanbul mayor faces second day of questioning as protests intensify (news.sky.com)
236. 前克格勃双面间谍奥列格-戈尔杰夫斯基逝世,享年 86 岁 Former KGB double agent Oleg Gordievsky dies aged 86 (news.sky.com)
237. 防爆小组对在圣里昂纳兹家中发现的爆炸化学品进行控制燃烧 Bomb squad carries out controlled burn of explosive chemicals found in St Leonards home (news.sky.com)
238. 移民中心 "计划将为许多工党议员敲响警钟--因为保守党嗅到了血腥味 ''Migrant hub'' plan will send alarm bells clanging for many Labour MPs - as Tories smell blood (news.sky.com)
239. 斯塔默对加沙缺乏人道主义援助表示 "深切关注 Starmer expresses ''deep concern'' about lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza (news.sky.com)
240. 从拳击场上的搏击到厨房里的抗脂--乔治-福尔曼如何成为文化偶像 From fighting in ring to fighting fat in kitchen - how George Foreman became cultural icon (news.sky.com)
241. 以色列袭击黎巴嫩以回应跨境火箭弹袭击,造成 "两人死亡,八人受伤 ''Two killed and eight injured'' as Israel strikes Lebanon in response to cross-border rocket fire (news.sky.com)
242. 苏丹军方巩固成果,夺回首都更多重要政府建筑 Sudan''s military retakes more key government buildings in capital as it consolidates gains (news.sky.com)
243. 政府考虑将寻求庇护失败者送往海外 "移民中心 Government considering sending failed asylum seekers to overseas ''migrant hubs'' (news.sky.com)
244. 哈罗德百货公司拟向法耶德虐待案受害者支付六位数赔偿金 Harrods proposes six-figure payouts to victims of al Fayed abuse (news.sky.com)
245. 希思罗机场恢复航班并希望全天服务 - 但乘客面临进一步延误 Heathrow resumes flights and hopes for full day of service - but passengers face further delays (news.sky.com)
246. 验尸官裁定,助产士未提供基本护理导致女婴脑损伤死亡 Baby girl died from brain injury because midwives failed to provide basic care, coroner rules (news.sky.com)
247. 警方就发现死于后备箱的妇女案件接到纪律通知 Police get disciplinary notices over case of woman found dead in boot (news.sky.com)
249. 103 岁的二战老兵在 VE 日周年纪念日前分享他作为投弹手的经历 WWII veteran, 103, shares his experience as a bombardier ahead of VE Day anniversary (news.sky.com)
250. 疑似小偷吞下的钻石耳环被警方找回 Diamond earrings swallowed by suspected thief are recovered by police (news.sky.com)
252. 以色列称哈马斯情报局长已被 "消灭"--同时要求部队进一步向加沙推进 Israel says Hamas intelligence chief ''eliminated'' - as forces told to push further into Gaza (news.sky.com)
254. 五名圣战分子被判犯有劫持法国记者罪 Five jihadists found guilty of holding French journalists hostage (news.sky.com)
255. 五名圣战分子被判犯有绑架和折磨法国记者罪 Five jihadists found guilty of kidnapping and torturing French journalists (news.sky.com)
256. 图赫尔首场比赛阵容公布,英格兰对阵阿尔巴尼亚。 Line-up announced for Tuchel''s first game England v Albania latest (news.sky.com)
257. 特朗普声称:没有美国,普京 "不会担心 "北约 Putin ''wouldn''t be worried'' about NATO without the US, Trump claims (news.sky.com)
258. 希思罗机场的关闭往好了说是令人尴尬,往坏了说则表明英国基础设施存在严重漏洞 Heathrow shutdown is embarrassing at best - but at worst it points to serious vulnerabilities in UK infrastructure (news.sky.com)
259. 希思罗机场称将重新开放,此前有 1,000 多个航班被取消,20 万乘客受到停航影响 Heathrow says it will reopen after more than 1,000 flights cancelled and 200,000 passengers affected by shutdown (news.sky.com)
260. 即将上任的国际奥委会主席将就俄罗斯重返奥运会的可能性展开会谈 Incoming IOC president to open talks on Russia''s potential return to Olympics (news.sky.com)
261. 威廉王子乘坐挑战者 2 型坦克访问爱沙尼亚,与英国军队会合 Prince William joins British troops in Challenger 2 tank on visit to Estonia (news.sky.com)
263. 将炸弹带入医院并策划袭击英国皇家空军基地的护士被判终身监禁 Nurse who took bomb into hospital and plotted attack on RAF base jailed for life (news.sky.com)
264. 婚礼、橄榄球之旅和北极哈士奇雪橇:希思罗机场关闭使旅行计划陷入混乱 Weddings, rugby tours and Arctic husky sledding: Heathrow closure throws travel plans into chaos (news.sky.com)
266. 海滨小镇发现 "危及生命 "的爆炸性化学品,男子被捕 Man arrested after ''life-threatening'' explosive chemicals found in seaside town (news.sky.com)
267. 汤米-罗宾逊(Tommy Robinson)在挑战监狱隔离的诉讼中败诉 Tommy Robinson loses bid to challenge prison segregation (news.sky.com)
268. 英国政府借贷超过预期,给里夫斯带来压力 UK government borrows more than expected, putting pressure on Reeves (news.sky.com)
269. 希思罗机场关闭:如果航班受到影响,您有哪些权利? Heathrow closure: What are your rights if your flight is affected? (news.sky.com)
271. 历史性计划获批后,德国 "被忽视 "的军队将迎来新时代 Germany''s ''neglected'' military set for new era after historic plan approved (news.sky.com)
272. 特朗普的关税如何给英国金属业带来混乱 How Trump''s tariffs are wreaking chaos in the British metal industry (news.sky.com)
273. 英国经济增长预测将被大幅下调,财政大臣将面临艰难的春季声明 UK growth forecast set for major downgrade as chancellor faces difficult spring statement (news.sky.com)
275. 伦敦变电站发生火灾,"大面积停电 ''Widespread power cut'' as fire breaks out at London substation (news.sky.com)
276. 康纳-麦格雷戈说他想成为爱尔兰下一任总统 Conor McGregor says he wants to be Ireland''s next president (news.sky.com)
278. 斯塔默警告说,如果乌克兰得不到 "意愿联盟 "的 "保护",普京将破坏任何和平协议 Putin will break any peace deal where Ukraine is not ''defended'' by ''coalition of the willing'', Starmer warns (news.sky.com)
279. 奥运金牌得主成为第四位被禁止参加今年赛艇比赛的剑桥赛艇选手 Olympic gold medallist becomes fourth Cambridge rower to be barred from this year''s Boat Race (news.sky.com)
280. 被称为法国 "最多产的虐童者 "的外科医生承认虐待 299 名患者 Surgeon dubbed France''s ''most prolific child abuser'' pleads guilty to abusing 299 patients (news.sky.com)
281. 历史性胜利之后,国际奥委会新任主席必须应对特朗普、普京和变性人问题 After historic victory, new IOC boss must deal with Trump, Putin and transgender issue (news.sky.com)
282. 美国司法部长威胁对损坏特斯拉汽车者判处 20 年监禁 US attorney general threatens 20-year jail sentences for damaging Tesla cars (news.sky.com)
283. 调查听说,约克公爵夫人在 COVID 大流行初期主动提出帮助获得个人防护设备 Duchess of York offered to help secure PPE early in COVID pandemic, inquiry hears (news.sky.com)
284. 鲁珀特-洛(Rupert Lowe)称法拉奇 "绝不能成为首相",这是在声称的 WhatsApp 消息泄露事件中的最新攻击言论。 Rupert Lowe says Farage ''must never be PM'' in latest attack amid leaks of claimed WhatsApp messages (news.sky.com)
285. 威廉王子的外交风格在这个紧张的时代很受欢迎 Prince William''s style of diplomacy is welcome in these tense times (news.sky.com)
286. 法庭听证:男孩被控杀害老人,女孩拍摄袭击过程,"记不住 "谋杀案审判中的谎言 Boy accused of killing elderly man while girl filmed attack ''can''t keep track'' of murder trial lies, court hears (news.sky.com)
287. 争分夺秒清理油轮失事后冲到英国的数十亿塑料 "纳豆 Race to clean up billions of plastic ''nurdles'' that washed up in UK after tanker crash (news.sky.com)
288. 威廉王子在与俄罗斯关系紧张之际会见爱沙尼亚总统 Prince William meets Estonia''s president amid tensions with Russia (news.sky.com)
289. 九名 "公正停油 "抗议者因计划将自己粘在希思罗机场跑道上而被定罪 Nine Just Stop Oil protesters convicted after planning to glue themselves to Heathrow runway (news.sky.com)
290. 法庭听到女演员在与诺埃尔-克拉克(Noel Clarke)一起拍摄时被要求 "进一步弯腰 "而 "受到惊吓"。 Actress ''shell-shocked'' when asked to ''bend further'' while filming with Noel Clarke, court hears (news.sky.com)
291. 基尔斯蒂-考文垂成为首位当选国际奥委会主席的女性--科勋爵落选 Kirsty Coventry becomes first woman to be elected IOC president - as Lord Coe misses out (news.sky.com)
292. 汤米-罗宾逊的监狱条件在高等法院诉讼中曝光 Tommy Robinson prison conditions revealed in High Court challenge (news.sky.com)
293. 首相为 "至关重要的 "福利削减辩护--他列举了已故母亲和兄弟的案例 PM defends ''vital'' benefit cuts - as he cites cases of his late mother and brother (news.sky.com)
294. 科学家在手机中发现批评特朗普的信息后 "被拒绝入境美国 Scientist ''denied entry to US'' after messages critical of Trump found on his phone (news.sky.com)
295. 当地卫生当局称至少 85 名巴勒斯坦人在加沙袭击中丧生 At least 85 Palestinians killed in Gaza strikes, local health authorities say (news.sky.com)
296. 据报道,法国准备向所有家庭发放 "生存手册 France reportedly preparing to issue ''survival manual'' to all households (news.sky.com)
297. 大卫-拉米反驳以色列封锁加沙违反国际法的说法 David Lammy rows back on claim Israel breaching international law with Gaza aid blockade (news.sky.com)
298. 今天是今年迄今为止最热的一天,气温 "远高于平均水平 Today is hottest day of the year so far with temperatures ''well above average'' (news.sky.com)
299. 前新党领袖彼得-默雷尔出庭,被控挪用公款 Ex-SNP chief Peter Murrell appears in court charged with embezzlement (news.sky.com)
300. 法拉奇嘲笑新口号 "滑稽可笑",巴德诺克预测地方选举前景黯淡 Badenoch makes bleak local elections prediction - as Farage mocks ''comical'' new slogan (news.sky.com)